Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Indigo POV

I stare at the endless stretch of trees. I let the breeze run through my stripy hair, making it fly out behind me like orange flames on charcoal wood turning into ash. I can hear the calls of birds in the distance. What are they calling for? I cup my hands in a certain position and blow,mimicking the bird noises I hear. Its soothes me. Even though it reminds me of Rani, it still soothes me. The bird answers back and I continue calling.

I hear the ruffle of a willow boe and I snap my head in the directions. My cat eyes glare at something I can’t see. My ears pick up the slightest sound of breathing. Then I see it, a white tiger ear. I let out a sigh of relief.

“I didn’t know what you were.” I say laughing. He emerges from the leaves.

“I can never sneak up on you!” He says,laughing as well. I move aside,letting him sit down by me.He cups his hands like I did and blows making the birds noises as well. My face brightens.

“I never knew you could do that!” I say excitedly. I join him. We make this majestic bird song. He does his a little bit lower than mine,making it an acapella of somesort.

“That sounds so cool!” I say once we finish on a echo.

“Where did you learn how to do it?” He asks me.

“I don’t know,probably at the orphanage.” I say shrugging. He nods in agreement. There is a long silence as we take in the cool air. I my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arms around me.

“You ok?” He asks with a little bit of concern in his tone.

“It just seems like everyone I like dies. There is Rose and Rani. Andrea died in the sewer so I had to save her with the electric thingy. And you and Matthew were probably going to die if we came any minute later.” I say in a low voice. He rubs my shoulder.

“Every thing happens for a reason. And I am here now, aren't I?” He says, I can hear the small smile in his voice.

“I love you.” I say looking up at his eyes and I kiss him. He kisses me back. He puts his hand at my waist and I put mine around the back of his neck. It reminds me of the pool. The first time we kissed back in Greenfield.

Suddenly I pull away. Fear written across my face.

“Indie, what’s wrong?” Ash asks me.

“What happened in there?”

“You don’t want to know” he warns me.

“I’m not a kitten” I say, putting a grip on his arm.

“I know,” He sighs.

I give him a sincere look.

“Well they tortured us with our worst nightmares.” He pauses.

“What was it?”

“Josh...Josh was...being a real freak.” He says.

“How was he being a freak?” I question him, becoming stubborn.

A sigh escapes his mouth. “He was mistreating you. Lets say some things of what he did was run his hand up along your leg. He dragged you away and I couldn't find you. I was so scared of what he’ll do to you. And when I found you he...he killed you.” He says avoiding eye contact with me.

I sit their for a moment, taking it all in. He cares that much about me?

“So I’m your worst nightmare?” I say laughing. It’s better that way. Better to laugh about it then morn about it I guess. He looks up at me and smiles playfully.

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