Chapter 3

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Chantelle POV

I pull back from Jacob’s embrace and make myself a coffee. I sip it, searching the kitchen with my eyes. My employers told me that there could be anything anywhere. I know he’s hiding something. I just need to find out what.

And once I do, it will be mine.

All mine.

I can smell it. And it smells frankly like animals.

Indigo POV

“Can you guys turn on the lantern?” I hear Andy ask annoyed. I forgot they can’t see anything. Its so hard when you can but others can't because you don't know if they can see it or not. Night vision is good but bad as well.

“Sorry.” I grumble. I look around to find the lantern on the hook in the middle of the room. I push the rubber button and the room is illuminated by a bright light. I have to shield my eyes.

“Thanks.” Andy mutters. I watch intently as she open the chest. She gasps.

“What?” We all say.

“These are his old Greenfield plans. He needed to be  updated because of his rank.” She sifts through the papers. “Oh my god.  Ash, you might wanna look at this.”

He grabs the paper and skims over the words. His mouth drops open and he shakes the paper with anger before shoving back into Andreas hands.

“Greenfield fucking killed my family!” He yells, with tears in his eyes.

“What?!” Matt exclaims, and takes the paper from Andy. A look of shock and horror is plastered on his face.

“I need to see this” I demand. I read the crinkled piece of paper. It was right there. Ash’s dad somehow discovered what Greenfield was going to do to children, so Greenfield decided to leave no survivors. As another punishment, they made sure Ash was selected to be one of the experiments in the scheme that killed his father. They set fire to his house. But they kept one photo, for Ash. His family. I was speechless.

I looked up to Ash to see his eyes glowing a deep red.

“Ash not now, please not now. You will get us all discovered!” I yell  to him. I throw my arms around his waist. I can hear a deep growling starting erupt inside his throat.

“They......Must.....Pay” He screams. I look up to him to see his teeth starting to slowly grow longer.

“Everyone, run and hide. Nothing can stop someone this outta control” Andy shouts.

I stop and look at Ash. I press my lips against his, somehow hoping the kiss will ease him.

“You did though” I tell her.

“I don’t know how I did though. It was just an earthquake. My parents weren't bloody murdered! Are you crazy? You are going to die! Come on.” Andy calls to me.

“Ash listen to me. You can control this. Please, I don’t want you to go feral. I want you by my side. Please Ash focus, control your anger. I love you.” I say looking into his red eyes. I kiss him again and put my head against his chest. If I am going to die, at least I will die alongside him.

“Indie?” Ash mumbles. “Run away. I can’t control it for long.”

“I will not leave, I know you will go feral without me.” I say in a soothing tone.

His eyes flash blue, then red, then blue. I can see his struggle on his face. But unlike Andy’s case, I did not run.

I hold him tighter and I can feel his chest growing broader. I squeeze my eyes shut.

“I am not leaving your side, I am not leaving your side.” I whisper over and over again. Only listening to my words.

“And I won’t leave yours” I look up to see a normal Ash smiling back down at me.

“Ash.” I say letting a tear slip. I leap up to kiss him. “I thought I would lose you like Rose.” I whisper.

“Well, I am here, aren’t I?” Ash chuckles. I laugh slightly and hug him.

I hear can hear cooing voices coming from behind the various boxes in the attic. Matt and Andy emerge from behind them, smiling like they just watched a romantic movie.

Chantelle POV

I snuggle up close to Jacob on the couch, staring into is rich brown eyes. He smiles back at me. It’s sad, he loves me but I don’t love him. It’s for my work. I need to act like he’s my one and only focus in the world.

“So what do you want to do?” I say in a purring tone as I walk my fingers up his chest.

“Whatever you want to do.” He smiles back. He starts to lean in.I hesitate.

“Please no. I think I am coming down with something, I don’t want to get you sick.” I say coughing at the end.

“Ok.” He looks slightly disappointed.

I rest my head on his chest. Suddenly I hear thumping sounds from coming up stairs.

Like footsteps.

“What’s that?” I ask.

“What’s what?” Jacob says with a hint of worry in his voice. I smile.

“Jacob, I am your fiancee,” I say holding up the ring, “ You can  tell me whatever. I have the right to know if there's anything or anybody going on.” I smirk.

“There is nothing besides you, me and the normal appliances and furniture in a house.” He says. I raise an eyebrow. His face is wrinkled at the brow. A clear sign he is worried.

I rip away from his grasp and start to stomp up the stairs.

“You think I will fall for that crap? I heard footsteps upstairs. Are you cheating on me?!” I yell my voice cracking at the end.

“No! I would never do that!” Jacob yells after me.

“Then tell me what those footsteps were!” I scream from halfway up the stairs.

“I can’t tell you. I can’t. I promised.” He says, lowering his voice.

My face starts to grow an angry red and I scowl at him. At the top of the stairs I can see an attic door. I grin as I take the pole and hook it around the metal loop.

“Stop!” You don’t know what you’re doing!” Jacob instructs me.

“I know exactly what I am doing! I am not a child. I am an adult. I can make my own decisions!” I yell acting more infuriated with every word.

I yank down hard on the pole. The door flies down and a set of rickety stairs crash onto the carpet beneath me. I start to climb the stairs.


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