Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Andrea POV

I wake up to a throbbing headache. My head keeps thumping against someones back.

I breath fire onto apple tree at the roots making it crash to the floor.

Oh no, not the flash backs. Suddenly, I feel someone jerk their shoulder and roll it to reposition to me. I slam my fist into the persons back.

“Ow! Calm it would you it’s just me.” I hear a voice say.

“Sorry.” I mumble

“It’s ok” Rani replies. Oh no, not her. A growl escapes me before I can stop it.

I destroy everything in my path.

Arrgh. These flashbacks will get annoying fast. I trudge along. Rani studies me carefully.

“Take a picture. It’ll last longer” I growl. She looks away blushing. Indie glares at me. The brat deserved it. Why is Indigo so upset? I sigh, free myself from Rani’s shoulder and march to the front. Now Indie can talk about me and I won’t hear. I slow down so I am beside Rani, but in front of Indigo. Perfect.

The fire surrounding me makes me feel great.

Best. Flashback. Ever!

I stagger as I walk through the bush Rani is leading us through. I can sense the smile on her face but I don’t say a word.She will experience Overload sooner or  later,then I’ll be the one with the smug look.


We have been walking for hours. Andrea hasn’t spoken to me. Is she mad at me or something. All I did was glare at her for being a bitch towards Rani. I mean Rani is helping us get our boyfriends back and Andrea treats her like dirt. I don’t get it.

We come across a stream with a waterfall. The sun glitters through it. It reminds me of the tube I was surfing through yesterday. Yesterday seems like years ago. The waterfall leads into a stream with tiny pebbles instead of sand, and giant boulders rest in them. Its covered with tropical plants and trees.Its like my secret sanctuary. Only if it had some bamboo.

“We need to talk.” Andrea grunts, staring at me. I turn to Rani and give her a nod telling her to start eating without us. She understands and pulls out an apple. Andrea takes my hand and leads me into the bush. We stop when we see a fallen log. She sits down and I do the same.

“Can you not be so nice to Rani!” Andrea blurts. The sudden remark makes me hurt a little bit.

“Why. She is helping us!” I yell.

“Yeah, well she might be a spy! She might be with Chantelle!”

“I thought that too. I am still cautious and I don’t trust her. But she is guiding us to Ash and Matthew.”

“You are always too soft, you trust everyone. You let everyone be your friend! You are too scared of what people will think about you, so you accept them. You have no idea what could happen. You’re just a naive little kitten.” She yells. Those words feel like knives. I glower my eyes.

“It’s called friendliness. Not everyone is as cold as you. I am trying to be nice to Rani so if she is a spy she might feel bad she is doing it so she might back off. Why can’t you try to see the good side of things. Like Rose. The last thought you ever thought of her was a snob! And now she is dead!” I yell letting all the anger out. I am not in Overload. Yet.

Andrea looks taken back. She knows what I said about Rose is true.

“I’m sorry.” She says lowering her voice. I place my hands on my hips and let out a long breath.

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