Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Andrea POV

“Ugh!” I yell into the forest around me. I take another plunge into the creek but come back up empty handed.

“Why is fishing do damn hard!” I scream, punching the air. I woke up early today so I could make breakfast for the others. So far my plans aren’t working. I take another plunge. Nothing.

“Ahhh!” I shout.

“Are you ok?” Indigo says rushing to me.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I say bitterly.

“Oh good. I thought you broke your arm again or something.” She says in a relieved sigh. “So what’s the problem?” She asks. I groan.

“Well I was hoping to have breakfast made for you guys,but I can’t catch these stupid fish!” I yell, punching the water. Indigo laughs.

“Aww, your so sweet. How about I’ll catch the fish and you can start the fire and bake some apples.” Indigo says with her hand on my shoulder.

“Why can’t I catch the fish.” I say defensively.

“Well, by your progress so far, you're not going to catch one anytime soon. Plus I am part cat, fish hunting comes along with it.” She says. I sigh and walk towards the clearing.

I set a bunch of sticks in a pile alight with my breath. I watch as the fire engulfs the sticks in a orange flame. I feel a wave of freedom wash over me and I grin. Sergeant Spike isn’t here to extinguish it this time. I admire the glimmer of hope for a couple of seconds.

I leave the sticks for a few minutes unattended so I can gather apples. I pick the lowest ones. I don’t feel like climbing a tree this early in the morning. The sun is still coming up from behind the mountains,casting the sky into a fiery shade. Rani is still asleep in the tree. I can tell by her snoring. I manage to gather six ripe, red apples.

When I come back to the fire, Indigo is kneeling besides it. I can see that she has skewered three fish onto a long stick above the fire. Flames occasionally lick the fishes backs.

“Nice job! What sort of fish?” I ask Indigo.

“Salmon.” She says. I grin. I love salmon.

“I thought you knew what fish they were.” Indigo says.

“All fish looks the same to me.” I answer shrugging. She laughs.

I place the apples on a long piece of bark. I then lightly blow on the apples to they are golden brown.

“Six apples cooked to perfection.” I say smiling.

“Wow, that was fast,  do you think you can help me with the fish?” She asks.

I maneuver myself so I am facing the fire. I then blow lightly. I keep blowing till the fish is slightly charcoaled on the outside. Indigo smiles at me. She pulls out three giant leaves. She carefully places one whole salmon on each leaf. I follow and put two baked apples on each leaf. Indigo then places a sprig of rosemary on the salmon. I run quickly run to the creek and pull out a milk bottle floating around with it and I  fill it with creek water. When I come back to indigo, I breath on the milk bottle to warm it. In about a minute, it starts to boil. I intense the heat and hold it for three more minutes.

“Sterilized water.” I tell indigo. She smiles and walks over to the tree to wake up Rani.

Indigo POV

“Wake up!” I yell, slapping Rani on the side of her thigh.

“I don’t want to get up.” She moans.

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