Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Ashtons POV

My heart is still pounding from my nightmare. I keep asking myself if it’s real or not. I know it’s not, but it was still so life-like.

“You ok?” I hear Matthew's voice.

“Kind of, still freaking out from that dream.” I say, shaking my head hoping it will clear the thought away.

“I saw it. It looked horrible.” Matthew agrees with me.

“Josh is such a creep. I think I hate him more now.” I say. Matthew nods.

“What was your dream?” I as Matthew. He stares at me horrified by the memory.

“I murdered Andrea after she said she hated me. Then my friends from Greenfield ,including you and Indie, started running after me, trying to kill me like I killed Andrea. Then I woke up. There was a lot of blood though. I hate blood.” He says. I shudder.

Suddenly, Chantelle walks in the room again. Matthew and I start to growl.

“Shut up!” She snaps. She walks across the room to pick up an electric staff. I stare at it wide eyed.

“My fiance gave me an idea of how to torture you next. He never believed that Greenfield would torture you guys with these. What a shame. You were telling the truth but he didn't believe you.” She smirks, admiring the metallic blue and silver staff with a metal loop around the top. She grabs another staff and pushes a button on her earpiece.

“Could Experiment 016 please enter the room.” She says speaking into the tiny foam piece by her mouth. Matthew and I look at each other shocked. Josh steps through the automatic doors with an evil grin on his face. He looks like a normal human, but you can still tell it’s him. He must be twenty now, he is a transformer. His long, golden hair, heavy eyebrows and stocky build are visible.

Chantelle hands him the other staff.

“Choose your prisoner.” She says loudly. Josh turns to me and smiles.

“She is a pretty one isn’t she?” He says with a wicked grin. He’s watched my nightmare. He then prods the staff into my stomach.

Indigo POV

My back is on a cold cement wall as we slip along it,dodging the bright moonbeams when we can.This place is so big with so many rooms. How will we find them?

A sharp pain shoot through me and I double over.

“What’s wrong?” Andrea says with panic in her tone.

“It’s Ash we need to help him!” I shout to her with pain clear in my tone. Suddenly she doubles over.


“We have got to find them!” I say slowly getting up.

“Where are they?” Rani blurts.

“I don’t know!” Andrea shouts.

“Quiet! Do we want to get caught?” I snap. The slowly shake their head.

“We need to make a plan. And it needs to be foolproof.” I continue. I hear Andrea let out a heavy breath.

“Ok what rooms do we know about.” She says calmly.

“The cafeteria,our dorm, Matthew and Ash’s dorm, the medical room,the training center, the mission  room,the cafe and the mission briefing room.” I say counting them on my fingers.

“Do you know where the torture chamber is?” Andy interrogates Rani.

“Sorry, Andy” she shrugs.

“My name is Andrea” she growls back.

“Guys, not now” I grumble. we sneak along the wall.

“Maybe we should look for windows with bars on them. That would be the best place to start.” Andy suggests. Rani and I nod and spread out along the outside of Greenfield.

Rani POV

I head into the middle of Greenfield while Andrea goes right and Indigo goe left. I run my eyes along the windows. So far nothing is barred.

I slip amongst the shadows making sure my long toenails don't make the clicking noise they usually do.

“Where would the torture chamber be? What if there is so many of them?” I whisper to myself. I shake my head, where is the most likely place that they will have a torture chamber? I stand there stuck I have no idea. I sigh and keep looking for the barred windows.

I slip amongst a few more shadow until I hear it. The slight painful cry. I walk towards the direction,the screaming going louder. As I get closer to it, I realize there are two screams,one slightly different from the rest. They’re deep so obviously it belongs to guys. I look up and see a large barred window on the second floor. I use my claws to help me climb. They make a slight clicking noise when the hit the cement, but it shouldn’t be the worry.

As I peer through the leftmost barred area I smile. There are two guys chained stiffly across the room to each other. I can see that a woman is prodding an electric staff towards an experiment with a mop of blonde hair and large golden dog ears. It must be Matthew. One the other side is a normal looking human. But he looks Indigos age. Must be a transformer. He is prodding a guy with broad shoulders and white and black streaks up his arms. I am going to guess thats Ash. I quickly climb down and head to find the others.

“Indigo,Andrea!” I whisper. I am at the place where we started. The should be back soon,its almost been twenty minutes.

“Indigo,Andrea!” I whisper again. Nothing. I slump down to the hards dirt floor. A watch as a beam of moonlight dances through my fingers.Its peaceful. It’s a whole nother world outside of Greenfield than inside. I wonder why experiments can’t go outside, I mean there is an electric fence surrounding the whole of Greenfield.

“Any luck?” Andrea whispers. I didn’t expect it and it makes me jump. I manage to keep the scream in.

“I found them!” I say excitedly. Andrea’s eyes light up.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” She shouts.

“Shh!” I whisper. She shuts up immediately.

“Sorry.” She mumbles.

“What the commotion?” I hear a voice say behind me. I jump back and a small screech escapes my mouth.

“Can you guys like not sneak up on me?” I say to the voice. The shadow steps forward and its Indigo.

“Sorry.” She says putting her hands up defensively.

“We found them! Well Rani did!” Andrea whispers ecstatically. I can see Indigo’s eyes glow more.

“Where are they?” Indigo asks.

“Come, I’ll show you.” I say walking off towards the direction.

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