Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Andrea POV

I’m so cramped breathing is painful. They really should make cardboard boxes bigger, in case someone like me has to dive into one at the last minute when their landlord’s fiancee is about to discover them. The cardboard box company should be more open minded about situations like this. But at least they sent four empty ones to Jacob so that we could all hide in time. I hear stiletto’s clicking on the wooden floor. I smell the perfume and try not to gag. I hear Chantelle clack over to the boxes we are hidden in.

“Why are all these old plans lying around on the floor? Greenfield should be more careful. Someone might find them.”

It hit me, those three words hit me. She wouldn’t know what those plans are if didn’t work for Greenfield.Has Jacob kept a secret from us? No he wouldn’t. She must be a spy.

She stalks over to the cardboard box next to me. Oh my god Matthew’s in there! I hear what sounds like zapping until she opens the box. A gasp escaped her throat. I burst out of my box, and Indie and Ash do too.

“Stay away from him” I roar, and I can feel my eyes glowing red. “Matthew, run.” But Matthew doesn’t go anywhere. “Matthew?” I see he is lying unconscious in the box. I turn and see that Chantelle is holding a taser in her perfectly manicured hand. I feel myself going overload. Scales creep up my arms and cover most of my body. My wings grow into their largest form. Claws shoot up from my finally normal fingers. Fangs slide down past my lips.

I growl, then pounce on my expensive prey.

Indigo POV

I see Andy attack Chantelle. She swipes the taser from her pretty little hands. But Chantelle reaches into her purse and pulls out a knife. She slashes at Andrea, a long mark across her cheek. Andy gives swipes back using her claws. Chantelle smirks, then presses a button on the knifes handle.  A loud ringing noise erupts from the holder. It hurts a lot. I can see it taking over Andrea. She falls to the floor, screaming in agony as she covers her ears.

“Run” I say. Andy is quickly returning to her usual state, and I barely have time to smash the window.

Men in black holding tranquilisers sprint up through the attic stairs. I see them shoot Jacob in the back and he falls onto the hard floor. The ringing comes to me.That’s all I see before darkness consumes me.

Indigo POV

I watch as Ash falls limp to the ground. Andrea has a bloody gash running up her cheek as she bends down on all fours.  Matthew is slumped in a box.

Greenfield has found us

We will never escape them.

They truly ruin lives.

The ringing fills my ears. Blasting my brain. It’s so loud. I fall onto all fours, covering my ears. No, they can’t do this to us.

They can’t bring us back.

Not to Greenfield.

I flash back to the moment where they shot my true best friend, Rose. I can remember my scream filling the room.

As I slowly fade out of the flashback, I realize I am screaming.I feel a blast of pain shoot through my body. Markings grow up and down my legs and my eyes grow deep red. I lunge at the nearest man. I swipe my claws at his face and he screams in agony as they rip through his vulnerable flesh. I do the same to most of the black men and I watch them fall to the floor. I turn to Chantelle, she drops the knife as I throw a glass vase at her from the nearest box. She ducks and it shatters on the wall behind her. She lunges for the knife again, but I kick it away. She slides across the floor. When she starts to get up I run up to her and kick her hard in the stomach.

I am glad I played soccer.

She doubles over in pain, gasping for air. I turn to  Andy who is slowly getting up.

“Get them!” She yells to the men in a breathless voice.

“The window!” She shrieks.We both jump through it and land on our feet. We turn right, towards the town. Footsteps of angry men follow behind me. It’s like the sewer all over again.

“This way!” I shout and we turn into a dark alleyway. It’s still hot and sweat starts to drench us.

At the end of the alleyway, it splits into three different ways. We take the left . We run faster and faster. We come up onto a bridge over rushing rapids. Men surround us from either side, holding tasers and tranquilizers. The pupils stares at a distance with expression of horror and curiosity. The men enclave us, moving closer and closer. We back up and my back touches the cold steel railing.

I take Andy’s hand and look at her. She nods and we turn around and jump off the bridge into the rapid water.

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