Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Andrea POV

A scream escapes my mouth as I plunge towards the rushing water. A blast of cold surround my body as I land in the water. I am tossed in turned, barely missing the rocks beneath me. The water stings the cut on my cheek. At least it’s fresh water.

I feel Indigo’s grasp tear away from mine as I do somersaults in  the water. My hand slams into a boulder. I scream, losing all the air. I try to swim up, but the current is too strong. I kick ferociously, my lungs are burning. I need to get air.

Suddenly, My body slams into a metal barrier. It has holes in it. After feeling the barrier, I realise its a gate. I start to climb. My body keeps being pushed against the gate and I struggle trying to get up.

I feel like I am about to black out when my head emerges into a thinner level. I open my eyes and see the my head is above water. I breath in the smooth air. It’s coldness feels good against my burning lungs.The sun reflects off the metal gate and into my eyes. I try to climb higher and I cringe in agony as my throbbing  hand tenses around the rings.

I manage to turn myself around. My back now is against the gate and my hands are above my head holding me in place. The force of the rushing water hold me up right.

“Indigo!” I shout, scanning the water with my eyes.

“Indigo” I shout again. I get no answer and I start to panic.

I close my eyes and let a tear escape my eye and run down my cheek.

They took her away from me.

My friend is gone.

Indigo is gone.


I let another tear slide down my cheek and I stare at the rushing water surrounding me. It reminds my of how fast she can run.

“Andrea!” I hear a voice like a whisper say. I can’t believe it I am going crazy. I am hearing things.

“Andrea!” The voice sounds again a little bit louder this time.

“Indigo?” I say to myself, looking up and scanning the water again.

“Andrea!” The voice says louder. This time I see Indigo on top of a tree, waving her arms frantically.

“Indigo!” I shout, starting to wave my hands.

“Come over here!” She shouts, gesturing her arms.

I shake my head,” I can’t swim against the rapids, you come here!” I shout.

She climbs down the tree and into the water.

Indigo POV

I am climbing down a tree watching where I step. The bark is slippery. As I watch where my feet are going, I feel something bite my wrist. I look over and see a glossy black spider on my hand with it’s fange dug into my skin. I shake it off violently. I lose my footing and plunged into the rapids.I am tossed and turned and my head becomes submerged under water. All I can see is a rushing blackness. Suddenly my body slams into a boulder. It pushes the air out of my lungs and I start to breath in water. I try desperately to spit it out but I can’t. I can feel it flooding my  sinuses. I start  to lose my vision. Then I crash into a metal barrier. Before I black out completely, I can feel a hand wrap around my waist and I am lifted out of the water.Then everything turns black.


I wake up with a start and a sharp pain over my left cheek.

“Indie, wake up!” I hear Andrea say. She slaps across the cheek again,this time harder. I gasp in pain.

“I’m awake!” I yell when she raises her hand.

“Good.” I hear her say. I look around me and I see the my back is against a fence and the rapids are holding me up on the fence. I turn to the right and I see the shore less than one hundred meters away. Andy slaps me again.

“What the fudge?” I ask

“That was for scaring me.”

“Well, you do have super strength, and it fees like your blasting my fricken face off!”


“Lets get on land.” I say to Andy as I nudge my head in the direction.

“How?” She asks,” The water is too powerful to swim against.

“Climb up the fence a little more and walk along it.” I say.

When I start to climb the fence more, my head becomes really dizzy. I am about to fall back into the water,but I grab the fence in time. We start to put our feet in the holes and start to walk across.

After about five minutes of walking across the meal fence, we set foot on sand. I collapse onto the ground. My wrist hits the sand first and almost immediately a burst of burning pain erupts.

“Ow!” I cry. I turn my hand over to see a giant raised purple bump on my wrist with my red running around my veins.

“Holy sugar ice tea! How did you get that!” Andy screams when she sees it. I remember the spider.

“It’s a spider’s bite.” I say.

“What spider.” She says. I shrug. I look back to when the spider bit me. It was glossy black with a red...hourglass on it.

“Oh no! It was a Black Widow! I need some anti-venom quick!” I shout standing up. But my head becomes dizzy and I collapse back onto the ground and start vomiting.

“How long was I knocked out for?” I ask Andy desperately.

“About twenty minutes.” She replies, her eyes wide with shock.

“Shit the poison has already sunk in. You need to get the anti-venom now!” I yell at her.

“I don’t have any money!”She squeals.

“Then steal some! Hurry if it’s not treated properly then I can die!” I scream. I feel even more dizzier and I start to throw up again.


Andrea POV

I sprint to the nearest shop. Luckily, I’m the only one in there. I run to a medicine cabinet and smash it. I grab the antidote and run out. I hear an old woman shouting behind me. I don’t think she saw my animal side though. I see Indie sprawled on the ground, her face red.Vomit covers around her mouth and her eyes are closed. I Lift her head up and pour the medicine into her mouth and wait. And wait. And wait. I hate waiting, but Indigo is more important.

I see her eyelids flutter. I gasp, hope exploding inside me. Indie chokes, then gives me a weary smile.

“Thanks” she says.

“No problemo” I smirk.

“What does that mean?” she inquires

“I think it means no problem in Spanish or French or something.”

We both laugh.

“Lets see you wrist.” I say and she turns her hand over.

I watch as they red in her veins slowly fade away. The purple turns into her skin tone and the redness goes away. They bump shrinks, squirting out puss. I screw my face up in disgust when I see that. It all happened in about fifteen seconds. It would take hours for that to happen to a human but our DNA structures make us heal a lot quicker.

“Oh my god thats feels so much better.” Indigo says in a breath. I smile.

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