Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Controller #58 POV

“Ma’am, we lost them.” I inform our boss,Chantelle as I am her co-partner.

“I know we lost them! Don’t remind me!” She yells, putting her hands on her temples.

“What am I going to tell Gregory?”She wines.

I shrug. She walks up and buches the front of my suit in her fist. She picks me up with it and hold me close to her face.

“Well, I can tell Gregory that it was you who failed,Would you like that?” She smirks,her nose slightly quivering from the upcoming burst of anger. I shake my head.

“No Ma’am.” I replied meekly. She smiles.

“Well than I want a search party everywhere. I want them alive so I can torture them while they watch their friends getting killed. But if they’re dead, well I guess I can blame you.” She says, spitting in my face.. She drops me and gives me a nod to command orders to the team.

“All right men! We need to search everywhere! We want the bodies of Indigo Sophie Stillen, Andrea Rose Mason alive. Check in the river,in the trees, in building, every nook or cranny. Are we clear?!” I yell.

“Sir, yes sir!” The team shouts back in unison.

We will find them.


I wake up in a pure white room.There are no doors, windows or furniture, besides the iron chair I’m sitting on. I attempt to move, but my hands and legs are chained to the ground. I try to shout out but my mouth is gagged. I can faintly smell perfume or something. The room jerks forward and I know i’m in a van. I can sense someone behind me, but the gag has my head tied to the back of the chair. I hear a whine.


I growl so that he knows it’s me.

“Amnmhn!” I hear Matthew exclaim through his gag. Communication wont work.I try to think of ways on how to communicate but instead one word pops into my mind.


Where is she? I look around the room frantically and there is no one on my right or left side. Matthew starts thrashing around in his chair, he starts screaming a word that sound like Andy. His head bashing into the back of mine. I moan and he stops,muttering a word.

I try going Overload but I cant. I look down and study my arms. A tight,magnetic bracelet is wounded below my shoulder. It must stimulate the minds electrical currents to prevent going Overload. I scream through my gag, frustrated at this mess. I hate Greenfield. We can never escape them.


Indigo POV

I finally reach the top branch. I scan the horizon. No sign of Greenfield helicopters. Yet. I scamper down the tall pine and report my findings to Andy. She seems relieved.

“What do you think they are doing to them?” she asks me nervously. She only uses pronouns but I know she is talking about Matthew and Ash.

“I have no idea. But I think they’re still alive. Maybe to use as bait.” I answer, eyes wide with fright.

“We have to save them.”

“I know, but we can’t do it alone. We don’t know where greenfield is, and how will we get to it? The place will be crawling with brainwashed transformers. We need someone with info, and fast.”

“I guess youre right.” she sighs. We start to heading the direction of the clearing I saw. We can camp there and plan.

We hike all day with the sun blazing on our backs. Our sweat mixes with the water,making us sticky. We finally reach the water. The place is surrounded by apple trees. Wierd. We snack on the apples and I climb another tree. It’s getting dark, but I see a shape not far from here. Looks almost like a giant lizard, or a person.

Or a lizard and a person combined!

No Indie, don’t get your hopes up. You haven’t had much sleep. It’s probably just an illusion. I swing down the rough trunk and see andy at the bottom. Next to her is a pile of apples on a bed of leaves. One big leaf is on the top with something scrawled on it.

I pick up the leaf and read the messy message. ‘Happy B-Day! (kinda)’ Trust Andy to say that now. But i smile. The letter cheers me up a bit. Andy is pleased with my reaction. We sit down facing each other, watching the forest behind one another. I hear rustling and see bushes shake behind Andy's back. I stand up, dropping my half eaten apple. Andrea turns and raises her fists.

“Show yourself!” she demands.

We both gasp when we see what comes out.

Rani POV

Once the girls stopped staring, the redhead steps forward, her fists still held high.

“Who are you?” she growls.

“I’m Rani. I’m a morphite. Like you.” I answer, stepping backwards.

“Where are you from?” the tiger one asks, more passively than her aggressive partner.

“G-G-Greenfield” i stammer, my fear reaching my throat.

The aggressive one lowers her fists, and returns to the other girl. They are about 18 or 19. they discuss something, but I can't hear them.

“How old are you? The nice one questions me, sadness obvious in her eyes. The mean one’s eyes stay stone cold.

“I’m 12. I got transformed last year. Who are you? Are you experiments as well?”

“Yes. I’m Indie and this is Andy-” A glare from the mean one corrects her. “I mean Andrea. This is andrea. What are you morphed with? And why didn't i see you at greenfield?”

“I was morphed with a fossil of a velociraptor. It’s something new they discovered. It’s top secret.”

“Tell us more.” Andrea demands. We sit down and i tell them my story. How I was kidnapped and tested on since I was 9. About how I nearly escaped. About how they slashed me and threw me in the sewer when they caught me. About how since I’m the newest model, I heal better and faster than they expected. And finally, i tell them about how I have been living out here, and when i saw them, I knew I found help.

They take in all my information, not saying a word.

“Do you know where greenfield is?” Andrea pipes up once I’m done. Her eyes are less hard, but still emotionless.

“Yes, about two days journey from here.” I answer.

The two look at each other and grin.

Andrea POV

I call over Indie and Rani.

“This tree has a good fork. And there’s vines so we can tie ourselves in.” I say, pointing to the tree branches.

“It’s perfect” Indigo agrees with me. “But won’t it be cold at night that high up?”

“It’s not cold here. The warmth from the village nearby blows to this area” the new girl says.  I shrug, and start to climb the smooth bark of the tree. We all get as comfortable as possible, then tie ourselves to the branches. I hear the dinosaur snore. Ugh. Rani’s not that bad, but I still don’t trust her. Her story seems unlikely. Greenfield wouldn’t cut her, they would shoot her. Or burn her. Or feed her to their pets. This makes me think about Matthew, and my heart aches. What are they doing to him?


I know now that I can’t fall asleep.

Not without Matthew.

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