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It was two days later that my orientation was finally complete and I found myself in Dr. B's office.

Sadly, I still hadn't found out what the 'top secret' project I'd be working on was, but I assumed today would be the day she told me.

The entire building was filled with the coolest departments and labs and had so many resources it blew my mind. My nerdy little heart couldn't bear to wait any longer, I was so damn excited to get started. But also at the same time I was terrified, because the people in this company seemed so much more important than me. It was quite intimidating actually, especially since I was one of the youngest ones working there.

"So... would you like to see it first or would you like me to tell you about it first. I'm only asking because I'm not quite sure which way will be too overwhelming for you." Dr. B leaned on her desk while talking to me. She always seem so casual but also at the same time professional and intimidating.

"You're talking about the project we will be working on, right?" I clarified. I already felt the excitement starting to bubble up in my stomach. She hummed and nodded. "in that case I think I want to see it first, you can tell me all about it after I've seen it."

Dr. B smiled widely and clapped her hands together.

"Alrighty then, follow me!"

We walk through the halls for what seemed like way too long, we also went through several doors and up an elevator, six floors. I found it odd that Dr. B's lab was so far from her office, I was about to question it but I just stayed quiet because we had already arrived.

We stopped in front of the door with the same kind of tablet in front of it and Dr. B placed her hand on the screen letting it scan her fingers.

"Please ask as many questions as you want. I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities and also don't be startled." She pushed open the door and we walked through.

The room was dark when we walked in but quickly the lights flickered on and I briefly scanned the room. Everything in this building was always so white and plain, the glass was so clean it didn't even seem like it was there. There's an island in the middle of the room with scattered chunks of metal all along it and lamps pointed down to small pieces of machinery and tools. Blueprints or were rolled up and resting against walls in the corner of the room and were also spread out on counters and tables.

"Pardon my mess." Dr. B stood in the same spot letting me look around the room but then soon walk over to a darkly tinted window that was located on the far side of the room. I watched as she raised her hand and twisted a small dial on the wall beside the black sheet of glass.

"Niall, I would like you to meet our project,"
She stepped out of the way. "I call him Harry."

Dr. B reveal a bright room with the bed, a table and a chair. On that table was a jigsaw puzzle, and on that chair was none other than a man. Although the figure wasn't facing me and had long wavy hair, there is no doubt that those broad shoulders belong to a man.

I looked at the doctor and back at the room, walking closer to the window.

"So what, you're conducting some kind of experiment on this man. I don't see why you'd want an engineering student for that."

She just smiled with the light huff of laughter.

And with no hesitation she lifted her hand again towards the dial but instead press the button on the box beside it.

"Harry, dear, I have someone for you to meet."

And a second after she finished speaking, this man-boy turned around revealing the most spectacularly bright, lime green eyes. He was beautiful, almost model-like. Nearly flawless, even as he wore no emotion on his face. In fact he didn't even look at me, nor Dr. B.

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