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On my way home, while I sat in the train, all I could think about was that robotic boy's infatuating smile. I wondered what it would feel like for me to make him smile like that for real, or maybe even to see him laugh. The entire train ride !I tried to picture him with different emotions, like angry, he'd probably be incredibly adorable if he got angry.

I caught myself smiling widely to myself and some lady stared at me, so I pushed my smile down and pulled out my phone. I opened my email and quickly typed up a message to Dr.B.

'I may have been apprehensive about the project before but now I am incredibly excited. Harry is an amazing creation already but I'd be honoured to help bring him to his full potential. Thank you again for this opportunity. I hope we succeed.'

I sent the email and slipped my phone back in my pocket, and I heard over the intercom that we had arrived at my stop.


That night my parents asked all about the project but of course I couldn't tell them about it, as much as I wanted. I told them that it was classified and they begged but I still didn't share.


The next morning I arrived at MassCorp 30 minutes early, completely by accident. I made my way up to the lab, scanned my hand, and made my way through the door. The one way window to Harry's room was dimmed so I couldn't see Harry right away. I walked up to the dial and spun it, to reveal the sleeping beauty. Harry lay there, eyes closed, his fingers intertwined on his stomach.

Did he wake up on his own? Or did the doctor have to come unplug him every morning. He looked so peaceful, so perfect. Who would ever dare to disturb that?

It made me jump, when Dr. B walked into the room.

"Niall, you're here quite early! Couldn't stay away?" She laughed and walked over beside me, looking at Harry through the window as well. "He dreams you know. I gave him that ability later on. I thought maybe it would help him with his humanity. No progress, but he seems to enjoy them." She said, without looking at me. "Harry likes having you around. The way he pulled you into the room when you two first met was the first sign."

"He's really fascinating." I said. I suddenly felt stupid for stating the obvious.

"And handsome?" She asked. And it caught me off guard, I didn't know what to say. "I'm not blind. He is gorgeous, and I know you think so too." She smirked. I didn't know whether she was creepy or really cool, put I didn't care too much either way. "You wanna go wake him up?"

I nodded because I had been too embarrassed to speak, or do anything else for that matter.

"There is a pad stuck on his chest and a blue button on the wall, click off the blue button then peel off the pad. It's simple. Harry will wake up on his own after you turn the power off and he knows how to put the charging device away." She exhaled heavily scanning her hand for the door to open. "And if you've got this under control I'll be in the lab a few doors down. Page me if you need me, but I'll be back soon, okay?" She didn't wait for an answer, she just waved and left the room.

So there I was standing at the opened door of Harry's room, staring at Harry's still body.

I swallowed and it was really dry for some odd reason. Was I nervous to wake him up? Why did I feel like this?

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