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This wasn't fair. I wasn't qualified for this. Yea, I could build things out of scraps of metal, I knew how to program some software and maybe cook the occasional omelette, but teaching someone about god damn erections was not in the job description.

"Can we just go to bed..." I pleaded. Harry looked at me with an all too hopeless expression. He nodded and stood anyway, walking in the direction of his bedroom with a noticeable hiccup in his walk.

I felt a bit guilty for brushing Harry's issue off so easily like that but what was I supposed to do, tell him how to masturbate? Not a chance.

I waited a few minutes before following in Harry's direction.

I brushed my teeth for more than two minutes, uses the washroom and splashed my face with freezing water. I made my way to my own room but stopped at Harry's door along the way.

"Harry, do you need anything?" I called. I didn't hear a response at first, so I knocked quietly. There was only silence.

I took it upon myself to open the door without permission. I had to, I was concerned.

"Harry?" I called again. Though this time a reply chimed through the air.

"Hi." Harry greeted. I noticed he was placing his charging pad onto his own chest, the charging box sitting next to him on the bed.

"You know," I started. Harry lay back onto his pillow and turned to me. "Seeing you smile today made me incredibly happy." I sat on the edge of the new bed and sighed. "And I'm sorry... for like- y'know, being an awful teacher. I'm kind of just going with the flow so I have know idea what I am doing most of the time. And this whole thing, is pretty much insane." I felt light-headed again, I had forgotten to breathe during the small rant. "I want to help you and I swear I am trying my best but some things sometimes get a bit awkward because I find you- well, attractive." He watched me without blinking and never replied. "If you want," I cleared my mind. "If you would like to talk about like, sexually arousal, we can. I'll answer your questions." I probably should have regretted most of that sentence but I didn't because I really need to think of the bigger picture and stop being so cowardly.

"I understand sexual arousal, Niall."

Of course he did. I was so idiotic sometimes. Though, I never thought a sentence would give me so much relief.

"I just want to understand what is making me feel it." He justified. I swallowed feeling the nerves return and I nodded, trying to make sense of things at the same pace they were coming.

"Well Harry, sometimes watching others be intimate- like that movie, can make you feel that way." I explained. I was starting to wonder if the bigger picture was even worth this pain.

"It was not that," he retorted. I didn't quite understand. Harry seemed to have caught that immediately, continuing, "I do not understand why my thoughts went to you when I saw that. Do I find you sexually appealing? I did not know I even had a working sex drive."

And I totally would have laughed at the unintentional pun about his sex drive if it had been told in a less stressful context.

"This can't mean anything bad. Y'know, it just means you're more like a human than you thought." I put my hand on his thigh over the sheets and squeezed lightly.

He gasped and I froze.

"Will you kiss me again?"

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