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I woke up with my face smooched firmly against Harry's arm, drool sliding down his bicep. Oh boy...

"Disgusting," I groaned to myself. I wiped Harry dry with the comforter blanket and turned off his machine expertly, laying back down on top of his arm.

Minutes later Harry blinked his eyes open and turned his head to me with big eyes.

"'Morning," I muttered, snuggling in further into him. I had to pee but I was enjoying the warmth of our bodies and the bed too much to force any separation.

"Good morning, Niall. Did you sleep well?"

"Very. Though... you're quite the sleep-kicker, I must say..." I cracked a grin when Harry started to look worried.

"Your smile indicates either you are not bothered by my 'sleep-kicking'," he mocked the word. "Or rather you're making a joke." Harry tried to decipher.

I reached up and kissed his nose and smiled wider against my own will.

"Definitely joking- you move as much as a dead person in your sleep," I told him.

All I could notice was Harry staring down at my lips. I licked at them subconsciously.

"What? Why are you staring like that?"

I knew I didn't really have to ask because what else could Harry be thinking of while he stared at my mouth, honestly. Although, I could never get sick of Harry admitting cute stuff to me, it gave me a weird sense of joy.

"I'm just looking, Niall, you fascinate me. Remember?" Harry's eyes flickered back up to mine and he stared at me in silence for a moment. I didn't reply right away because in my head there was some kind of internal war going on trying to figure out why his answer was different from what I thought it would be.

Maybe I was too high on my pistol. Maybe Harry wasn't looking at my lips because he wanted to kiss me. Maybe he was thinking about my teeth and how they weren't quite straight even after having braces, or maybe I had awful morning breath, or still had drool dribbling out.

I backed an inch away from Harry and tugged the blankets closer to my chin.

"But also I want to kiss you, Niall. If that would be alright?" Harry then grinned at me deviously like I had done to him moments ago.

His ability to catch on to the jokes I say and the things I do never ceased to amaze me.

I smile back at him in full blown content and grab the back of his head, pulling him close and into a soft kiss.


I was eating cereal for breakfast when Harry appears from the bedroom, fully dressed.

"I want to go on a walk, Niall." Was what he said to me. It only took me a moment to begin internally panicking.

I glanced over to the window and I couldn't help but notice that today of all days was the single time it wasn't gloomy this year. I ditched the bad weather excuse immediately and my mind stumbled to find some other viable excuse.

And obviously I wasn't answering fast enough because Harry began to question it.


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