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Dr. B talked on the intercom soon after, telling me that it was time for Harry's daily examination, and Harry was almost immediately up from his chair and at the door awaiting for it to be opened for him. This was so obviously routine.

"Niall would you care to join us for the process?" She asked, now as the door was open. "It's just a quick plug in and look over." She smiled and of course I nodded in agreement without any questions.

The three of us walked to the corner of the lab to the two large screened computers that sat there and Harry took a seat on a stool.

"To your best of knowledge Harry, is everything in working order?" She asked, sticking monitoring pad over his now bare chest... wait, when had that happened? I thought I had been admiring the equipment for only a moment.

Harry's body was just as muscular and sculpted as I imagined. I wondered if Dr. B made him that way because she knew she got to see the model-like body everyday. I smiled at myself because of course she did that, when you create something so magnificent, you deserve a reward like that.

The woman must have caught me smiling because she sent a devious one right back.

"Right so, how did you boys get on while I was gone? Best buds now?" She asked winking at me. Really...What kind of idea did she have in her head?

"Harry's very thoughtful and wise. And I even got a hug at one point." I told her raising my eyebrows at Harry. He stared at me and nodded.

"I am pleased with my decision, mother." Harry said and it made me smile because even though the emotion wasn't in his voice I knew he wasn't lying and that he really meant it.

Dr.B suddenly whacked Harry lightly on the side of the arm and gave him a stern look. He jumped a bit at contact and looked at her.

"I told you not to tell him that right away." She whispered, but I still heard.

"I did not tell him, right away. Niall did not 'make a fuss'." Harry was probably mimicking her words.

"I'm sorry, Niall. I suppose it has made you second guess my intentions." She seemed sincere. But I didn't mind anymore, Harry was slowly growing on me. I saw no harm in sticking around.

"It's okay, really. Beside I think I understand why you did it." And then again she sent me a devious smile and I knew instantly I was correct about my assumptions. "By the way, Dr. B, I think I possibly made Harry blush today. Or he made himself blush. We aren't quite sure what exactly caused it but his face went red." I explained.

Her wide eyes shot to me and back at Harry.

"What!?" She nearly yelled. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?!" She threw her hands at Harry's head and began to palpate everywhere over his face, playing with his skin franticly.

"I'm sorry. Must have slipped my mind honestly!" I laughed a little at her excitement.

"Seriously, I leave you alone with him for an hour and you've already done what I thought was the impossible." She began to pull the sticky pads off of Harry's body and handed him his shirt. "I've been trying to get any reaction out of him for months now. How did this happen dear?" She now asked Harry and he shrugged.

"I do not know the answer to that mother."

"Well either way, I'm proud of you my darling." She leaned in and kisses Harry's forehead. While he sat on the stool was likely the only way she could reach it.

"Thank you."


The next few hours were spent learning every detail of the software in Harry's head. I learned that he had many microchips in his head sending information through his body like a human brain would. Dr. B explained to me in depth how she programmed his emotions and asked me if I had anything thoughts about it.

artificial intelligence - NARRY Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora