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Dr.B came into the lab with keys jingling around her finger.

"Are we ready?" She asked smiling from cheek to cheek.

I nodded curtly and placed my palm on Harry's lower back, almost to nudge his frozen body forward.

Harry briefly looked my way, I smiled at him, reassuring him that everything would be just fine.


Harry cried again when we all stepped outside. It was a silent sob but tears ran down his face and he held onto the back of my shirt with desperate fists.

"I've looked out a window but this is certainly different."

It was a particularly overcast and windy kind of day and leaves were falling from the trees, landing at our feet.

Harry was reacting like it had been the first time he even had vision. Looking around at every single object in sight like it was something from a distant galaxy. The ground had been wet from the rain that came down the night before and as we walked to the car Harry splashed in the small puddles.

He was like a small child, it couldn't have been more adorable. I had wondered if Dr. B was as moved as I was by his antics.

Dr. B's car was one of the closest ones to the front entrance of the building. As we walked she asked me if I could sit in the back with Harry and of course I agreed, then we all piled into the small vehicle.


The drive to the apartment was only about two minutes, it was a very close distance... maybe 6-7 minutes if you had walked.

As we drove, Harry's eyes were on everything but no longer than half a second before he moved onto the next thing to examine it and process what it was. I always wondered what went on in Harry's head as he thought. I also always wondered how he was exactly feeling.

I was too busy watching Harry's face to notice that he had grabbed my hand and his. I wasn't positive that even Harry new himself he had his hand in mine because he hadn't even glanced down at it either. I didn't pull away nor did I say anything I just relished in the feeling of his warm fingers curled between mine and I watched his amazing features as they looked out upon the world with such astonishment.

Rain began to fall and Harry's empty hand lifted to trace the drops on the window.


We got to the apartment building a moment later and the three of us all scrambled out of the car to get to the main entrance, trying to get the least wet as possible. Sadly, during all of this, Harry had let go of my hand. We made it into the elevator and of course this was nothing new to Harry so his eyes seemed to have calmed down a bit.

Although my excitement was still at full peak, I couldn't handle the feeling flipping around my stomach.

10 floors later, and six doors down we had made it to the room. I had been there many times before so I assumed that the excitement I felt was solely to see Harry's reaction to our new shared home.


Harry seem to have liked it. We gave them the tour and he did a lot of nodding and he said many times it was nice there. I assumed he wouldn't lie but even if he did it would be hard to tell. So really I just always hoped for the best.

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