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I wish I could tell you want you want to hear. Tell you that Harry and I got down and dirty under the sheets, that we made love for hours on end and cuddles after, with gentle kisses and sweet words but, sadly, I can't tell you that.

Because the universe hates me (I swear it does) and is dead set on working against me.

After Harry had me pinned against the wall, after we kissed our ways to full arousal, there was a horrifyingly loud slam from the front door.

Harry held me tighter and froze, his lips leaving mine.

"Niall, who is that?" Harry said softy, aware that keeping his voice down was probably a good idea.

"I don't know. Could you put me down so I can go find out?" I asked, whispering. Though I didn't really want Harry to let me go.

"Yes, sorry."

Harry set me down and I straightened out my clothes... and boxers.

I was sure I locked the door earlier, someone must have broken in. What if it was those people wanting to take Harry. I wouldn't be able to defend the both of us, rather, I really wouldn't even be able to defend one of us.

My stomach was slowly knotting up in fear and I found my heart was already racing. I started to search my head for an escape to all this, pacing around the room frantically at the same time.

"Harry, so, there could be people out there- people who want to take you away and if those people are in this apartment, I need you to go out the window and- and down the fire escape, okay? Stay hidden by the dumpsters I- I will-"

Harry stopped me, grabbing my shoulders tight and turning me around to face him. He placed his hands on my cheeks and looked at me for a short moment. "Listen," he whispered before kissing me softly. He then pulled away just the slightest bit and continued, "it's my mother out there. I heard her call us."

"Wha-," Harry picked me up again, and I latched my arms around his neck so I didn't fall. He carried me (embarrassingly) out of the room and down the hall, ignoring my many protests to put me down.

"Harry," Dr.B sighed. "Thank god you're okay... um, love, why are you carrying Niall?"

Dr.B was still out of breath, she must have ran here from wherever she came, her cheeks were pink and her hair, messy.

"Niall was upset, and he told me he really likes when I hold him like this," he explained. Which was technically true but I had said I liked it when he was grinding up against me as I was pinned to a wall and we were making out, so maybe Harry misread the context a bit.

I hid my face in Harry's shoulder and groaned after I saw Dr.B smirk at us.

"Well, Harry, you'll have to tell me all about it later, but right now I need to examine you and see what that panicky phone call was all about."

Harry let me down and Dr.B pulled her laptop out of her bag.


After a half hour of typing and clicking and Harry admitting embarrassingly private things about you to Dr.B, she came to the conclusion that Harry was purely exhausted and that's why he passed out. She told me that I should probably give him an additional hour of charge time 'considering that Harry's extracurricular activities have changed'.

"Do you mean when Niall and I do-"

"Ay!" I interrupted loudly. "Harry how about you and I cook dinner together tonight, yeah?" He nodded, thankfully letting go of the topic from before.

"Harry, love, could I talk to Niall alone for a few minutes?" Dr.B asked, packing her stuff away and kissing Harry cheek with a quick 'bye love'. She turned to me, "walk me to the lift?"

I nodded and opened the front door for her, letting the woman lead the way.

"I would have knocked earlier but I was quite impatient so I used my key."

"I figured you did so, considering the door wasn't busted down."

The door shut behind us loudly and we began to walk down the hall.

"Harry, cares about you. I wasn't going to tell you this- and I had advised him to keep it hidden from you- but Harry emails me, most days. He updates me on everything, well I'm sure there is a few things he's keeping from me but from what he tells me, it seems he has some feelings for you, romantic ones he doesn't quite yet understand. But while it makes me genuinely pleased to hear that, it also worries me because from what he says, it seems you have feelings too. Now- hold on," she stopped me before I could speak in protest. "I could be wrong and he could be reading your emotions and actions incorrectly but either way, dear, I don't want you to assume you have to feel a certain way towards him for the sake of this project." We stopped at the lift doors but she didn't press the call button yet.

"Harry's incredible, he's smart and handsome, and he's learning and adapting so quickly it's actually unbelievable. Yeah, so far everything I've done or am doing, it's purely for his development... this project is important to me, if I have to fake a little to get the most out of it, I don't entirely mind." I lied quietly, looking mostly at the ground. I heard the beep of the call button on the wall being pressed.

"As much as I want Harry to experience every emotion and feeling a human does, I don't him want finding out something upsetting and getting hurt."

The doors slid opened quietly and she walked in pressing the ground floor.

"Oh, but Niall, I can also tell when someone is lying to me. You should tell him how you feel, he's dying to know." She winked and the doors shut.

I stood there mindlessly for a short minute taking in B's words.

"Damn it," I sighed, "that woman is way smarter than I gave her credit for." I muttered, making my way back to the room.


Hi lovely people xxx for those who are still reading!

I have a question for my readers: how many of you also read larry fics???

Hope you enjoyed and weren't disappointed

Love y'all


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