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As I re-entered the apartment, Harry was sitting at the table, lap-top in front of him and his back to me. As I shut the door and locked it he turned his head a bit to glancing in my direction and said, "I was thinking we could bake after dinner as well," he looked back at the screen, pointing to the article there. "I am reading here that these cookies smell very delicious while being cooked and after, making your home feel more cozy."

I didn't understand entirely what it was about that sentence that made my heart flutter manically, but whatever it possibly was, it possessed me in the strangest way. Maybe it was my brain malfunctioning or my heart taking over but either way I walked to Harry without a word and spun his stool around.

His eyes were wide with surprise as I pulled him in for a kiss by the shirt. Harry exhaled and his body relaxed, his hand sliding its way to my lower back. He kissed me so naturally now, I hadn't realized, almost like it was second nature to him- like it had been what he was built for.

Harry's second hand cupped my face gently, his thumb gliding back and forth along my skin.

Not long ago I was just Niall. Living with his parent. The blond, nerdy, know-it-all with the big geeky glasses. Mostly innocent, with zero knowledge of anything to do with the word 'love'. And well, now, look at me. I'm living with a sexy A.I in an apartment on our own, lying exclusively to my parents about mostly everything. Growing less and less innocent as we speak. Look what I've become.

I pulled away from Harry's lips, opening my eyes. His were still close. His eyelids fluttering for a moment before he opened them to look at me again.

"Harry, I am really happy... like, being here- living with you," I admitted. My gut was beginning to twist with nerves. "I like the things you do for me and how carrying you've become towards me. I look at you and... well for one I am incredibly attracted to you- like more and more everyday, but my point is that I look at you and it just makes me so fucking happy and nervous but the good kind of nervous. I don't understand my emotions... if I'm quite honest, I don't understand emotions in general, which seems kinda stupid for me to say considering the basis of the project that brought us together," Harry watched me with his attention geared straight to my every word. I took another slow breath. I realized Harry's hands were still on me. "I don't know if something is wrong with me but I really just want to give up on trying to deny and hold things back."

At that point I had wish I never began speaking. I wished I had just kissed Harry until my stomach begged for food or till I passed out from exhaustion. I was bloody ready to puke up every one of my nerves or faint at that very moment.

"I think I love you," I breathed out with a tremble. My chest felt tight and warm. Maybe I was dying, maybe having a panic attack. "And I know it's probably wrong to say b-because you-," I stopped myself when Harry's expression changed.

"Because I'm not human...?" He whispered brokenly. There was something in his green eyes that told me I stabbed and twisted the knife. So to speak.

"No, God no." I pleaded lifting my hand and gripping it tight in my fist. His one hand left my cheek leaving it cold and exposed, which I deserved.

"I understand," he said gazing past me, emotion falling completely off his face and vanishing. I felt cold and lifeless from that look alone.

"Please- I wasn't going to say that, Harry." I told him. He looked into my eyes again. "I was going to say; I probably shouldn't say it because you don't love me back."

Harry watched me closely for only a moment before he got off his seat, nudging me backwards and walking away towards the bedrooms.

"Harry, I'm sorry." I said after him, feeling now like the one whose been stabbed. Though, instead of disappearing he stopped mid-stride and turned all the lights out with the switch beside him.

"Niall," he spoke, voices deep and surprisingly seductive. "Did you mean all of that. About the feelings you get from just looking at me."

I could hear his voice approaching, it was quite nerve-wracking.

"I meant every single embarrassing part of it, my gorgeous boy." I whispered into the dark apartment, the closed curtains made it impossible to see a thing.

"I think, Niall, that you don't have to worry about telling me you love me."

Harry's voice trailed behind me now and I felt his breath on my neck. My hairs raised all over my body in excitement and fear.

"I may love you too."

Two hands suddenly gripped my hips and pulled me back against a warm body. A short breath was knocked out of me and I sent out an accidental squeak.

My heart felt too big for my chest and I could hardly hold back happy tears that threatened to escape.

I felt Harry's fingers snake their way under the my shirt and brush along my belly.

"I know I may not preform very well but I would like to try sex with you."
And I dearly wished I had seen Harry's face, because from just his voice, he had never sounded more nervous then he did confessing that.

"Oh my god." My knees shook underneath me.

"You can reject the offer." He suggested politely, placing his lips softly onto my bare neck.

"Never in a million years... would I ever reject you." I held Harry's wrist and helped him on his journey down and into my jeans.



I hope you guess enjoyed that sentimental shit up there hahaha

Love you guys so much. Every comment makes my heart soar. I feel like... idek I feel indescribable. So thank you to the moon and back.

Love y'all


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