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Harry tugged off his shirt at an impossible pace. It was off and onto the floor before I could even step into the bedroom.

"Would you like me to undress you?" Harry asked keenly, eyes lighting up with excitement.

He was pretty damn adorable.

"If you- I mean, I guess so," Harry stepped forward eagerly. "But could we turn off the lights? Or maybe have just a lamp on?" I requested. I didn't really know why I was bothering to be shy about all this. I trusted that Harry wouldn't care about the state of my body; belly pudge and all.

"No, I won't be able to see you if the lights are out." Harry protested kindly.

I let out a breathy laugh, "That's the point, H."

Harry shook his head and walked up to me, grabbing the bottom of my shirt without hesitation. I complied though, lifting my arms, allowing the shirt to be removed. He tossed the article of clothing to the side and stared at me with hungry eyes. One part of me wanted to crawl under the bed and hide, the other wanted to lay in a star shape on the bed and let Harry have his way with me.

"I think you look better with the lights on," he told me, placing his hand on my chest. I couldn't breathe a single bit. Even though we've touched each other already, just the idea of having actually sex with Harry caused my body to malfunction. It was quite intimidating.

"Okay, wow," I laughed nervously, attempting to control my wild thoughts and emotions.

Harry smiled at me with fondness flooding from his eyes and it should calmed me down, normally it would, but instead it made it plenty worse. He reached out and pulled me close by the waist and turned us around so that my back was to the bed now. He slid his hands underneath my waistband and groped my ass like some kind of professional. This was getting dangerous. I didn't mean to make a noise from his gesture but I moaned quietly and Harry definitely noticed.

Next thing I knew, I was on the bed with that sexy man sans-trousers, him over top of me and kissing my neck.

"You must have done some serious research, love," I joked, my voice nearly cracking with nerves like I was in my first year of high school all over again.

"I did," he said, lips still grazing over my skin. "Are you enjoying this?"

And that really shouldn't have been a tough question to answer... but it was.

By all means, yes, what he was doing to me normally would have given me a boner that tore through my pants. But right now, something was wrong. The feeling in my stomach wasn't something even close to enjoyable. It was like the sensation you got when you were standing in front of your class in middle school about the present the project you've been dreading for weeks, and then suddenly you've forgotten all the words.

I could have easily said no, ending the internal battle right there, but of course, I didn't have the heart to disappoint Harry like that.

"Feels nice," I whispered, placing a hand on the side of his face and slid it back into his hair.

Harry pulled away slightly and looked me right in the eyes. His glowing irises seemed like they sparkled with joy at my gesture.

"I have to ask you something important," he said, shifting down onto his elbows beside my head instead of his hands. I was now definitely feeling nauseous, alarms going off in my head.

"O-okay," I sounded like I was about to cry. What was wrong with me? I should have been enjoying this.

"Who is having the other inside of them?"


1 minute later, I found myself in the bathroom rinsing my mouth out and splashing water over my face.

Never in my life had I been so terrified. Especially over something so non-terrifying.

Not once in my life, had I ended up puking because I was so scared. This was so ridiculous.

Maybe something was royally wrong with my brain and I've just never known until now... maybe I had gone through some kind of trauma as a child and pushed the memory into my subconscious and now have forgotten about it.

I felt completely confused. No, confused was an understatement. There wasn't a word for what I was feeling.

There was a gentle knock on the door.

"You okay?"

Harry's warm voice had returned to calming me down. I took a deep breath and a shaky step towards the door to open it.

Harry's worried face was behind that door. Thankfully, he was fully dressed again and pulling me into a hug.

"I don't understand why that happened." I felt a familiar ball lump up in my throat as I spoke.

"Niall, all of the things you've been through trying to take care of me- you have probably over exerted yourself," he said, his hand now cradling the back of my head. "I should have expected that much considering nearly the same happened to me. I got carried away. I am sorry, Niall."

For no particular reason, that was the sentence that set off the waterworks. And I cried for a while, with Harry carrying my sad body to the couch and throwing a blanket over me as I lay there sobbing.

He sat on the floor on the end of the couch where my head rested and he played with my hair as a movie played quietly in the background.

I think my tears were a result of many things; guilt, stress, frustration... fear. It was probably because of every emotion somehow. I was a completely mess.

"Thank you," I mumbled, watery eyes trained on the television.

Harry kissed the top of my head but didn't say a word. He didn't need to speak. His kiss was enough.


We watched movies the rest of the day and Harry made me every meal without me having to ask. We cuddled for hours, he smothered me with compliments and sweet short kisses making this day take a well needed turn-around.


I feel nasty because I sorta tricked you guys.... so I give full permission for you to yell at me.. *insert yelling here*

IM SORRY don't leave :,(

But thank you still for reading (and hopefully voting too....please) I honestly appreciate every single one of you

Love y'all


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