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I was more than excited to break the news to Harry. I hoped so dearly that he would agree to the living proposal. I think if he said no it would probably break my heart from all the anticipation building up to it.

On the walk to the lab, I had asked Dr. B if it would be alright if I was the one to deliver the news, she agreed happily and as we walked in she took a few steps towards her desk as I walked towards Harry's door.

It was strange for me to think about how unbothered I was by the idea of dropping everything and living with Harry. It's like, it was no big deal, no second thoughts crossed my mind. I wanted to do it and you know, that was that.

I moved to go wake Harry up from his slumber and even though I'd done it many times before it's still affected me the same way it did the very first time. His skin was like the most expensive silk. I took it upon myself to quickly brush my fingertips along his abdomen as they made their way up the shirt to pull off the charging pad. Was it bad that I had always done this as he slept? Was this sexual harassment? Probably not, he was only a robot. Either way, Harry wouldn't have minded.

It has been a week since I had done all this and it was like a breeze of fresh air; very refreshing. Waking Harry up in the morning was a nice way to start today.

As soon as Harry blinked his eyes open I spoke, "Harry, I have really good news," I made sure to whisper so I didn't startle him.

"Go on then," he urged on. He continued to lay there staring up at me.

"Well um, Dr. B and I have been talking about how we've made no progress with you recently, and I pitched her my idea on how- maybe, I can help... I was thinking if we live together-like, outside of this building, I mean... well- basically maybe a new start is what we all need." I felt like I was fumbling over my own words because my brain definitely couldn't think straight over the excitement of adrenaline coursing through my skin.

Harry didn't answer though. He was frozen there; silent. He never wore an expression on his face so I never knew what he was thinking or if he was even thinking. He could've still been processing my lame attempt at forming a coherent sentence.

"Would you like to come live in an apartment with me?" I tried again, this time I was more satisfied. And he seem to be as well.

"Just the two of us?"

He stared at me with his curious doe eyes and my heart contracted at the sound of his innocence.

"Harry, you can always say no. If you're not comfortable with it don't be afraid to tell me."

But all the sudden there he started shaking his head frantically and he grabbed my arms while sitting up. I watched as his eyebrows pulled to one another and he began to chew on his bottom lip.

That sight did things to me that I cannot even explain even if I did have all the words in the world in front of me. I pushed my selfish thoughts aside and try my best to focus on Harry.

"I want to, I think. I want to but I don't know what it's like to be outside of here." Harry started, and my mind immediately went to bad things. I was so worried he'd say no and I didn't know why. It wasn't like I never get to see him anymore if he did.

Then he continued to speak and some of my relief returned. "Will you always be there or will you leave me alone for most of the day like in here?" He questioned

And I knew he didn't mean it as a shot against Dr. B for keeping them the room all day, he was genuinely asking for the sake of knowing the answer but my heart broke a little because by him just stating that, he indirectly told me it bothered him being alone all day.

"No no, I'll be sticking around. I've got to keep an eye on you. I gave Dr. B my word. Plus, I have so many fun things for us to do." I told him flashing him a wide grin- and for only a moment I was convinced that Harry was about to return the expression, but sadly his face remained a blank sleight.

"I am looking forward to it, Niall." I hoped he was telling the truth.


It wasn't for another five days until Dr. B and all the paperwork done for the apartment. It took another two days for me and her to set up the place with towels and food for me, clothing for Harry, etcetera. Everything was going perfectly smooth except for the fact I hadn't told my parents a thing yet. How was I supposed to tell them I'd be gone for a month and not living at home. What was going to be my excuse? I couldn't tell them the actual truth.

It took me that full week to figure out some kind of story to tell them, one they wouldn't question.

I sat at the table with my parents and we all ate silently. I knew I should've told them sooner rather than the day right before I left but it was now or never.

"So mom, dad, Dr. B has me doing an experiment and it's quite an extensive thing. I wont give you too much details about what we're doing because I'm sure it'll just be confusing or boring to you because it's just a bunch of big words but she's thinking that this experiment is going to take about three weeks long." and yeah sure I wasn't quite lying through my teeth but I still felt bad about not being completely honest.

"That sounds lovely dear but why do you seem like you're baring bad news?" My mom asked looking just as worried as she sounded.

"Well, I don't know... it could be bad news?" I paused and looked to my mom and dad. "I have to be there all the time. Like 24/7. She has a room made up for me for nights but I'll be spending my entire day working." I shovelled food in my mouth to fill that uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"And you agreed to this?" Dad didn't seem too impressed and it was concerning.

"Dad, this is such an amazing experience. And this project, I'm more than excited to work on it and I don't care how much of my day takes up. I am so thrilled to be apart of it." I was trying my best to convince him, with out exposing too much.

"I don't know son, it doesn't really seem fair that she's taking all your time away for an entire month." My dad watched me sternly as I continued to eat. I didn't know what to do.

Surprisingly, my mom stepped in to defend my case.

"Hun, he's an adult now if this is what he wants to be doing then we can't stop him. The experience will me good for him, for his future." And I thought, thank God for my mother's existence just then.

I quickly finish the food in front of me then hurried up the stairs to pack my clothes for the next month.



INTERESTING-ish CHAPTER COMINNG NEXT !sorry if this was sorta boring

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Love y'all (so damn much)

~lou xxx

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