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I woke up hours later with my head on Harry's lap. My cheek was warm where it was against him and as much as I didn't want leave the warmth, I was itching to unplugged Harry's battery and see if he'd wake up.

I lifted my body and hurried to unplug the silent unmoving boy from the machine and patiently waited there for any sort of movement.

And every second that passes felt like days and it was agonizing, watching Harry like that.

"Please," I pleaded, even though no one (including Harry) could hear me. "wake up."

I grabbed his hands in mine and brought the warm faux-flesh to my lips and kissed it, letting it linger there for a while, in case it was the last time I'd touch or feel him.

I didn't even feel the tear run down my face but I saw it land on Harry's hand and I quickly wiped the remains on my face.

"Why the fuck am I being like this?"

I laughed through my tears and released my hold, standing up and walking across the room to the mirror on the wall.

All I saw was myself, but not the kind of me I was used to. I didn't even recognize the person I had turned into. I may as well be staring at a stranger through a window.

"Why am I even crying?" I leaned toward the reflection, placing my hands on either side of the mirror after pulling off my glasses. "Why do you even fucking care, Niall, why are you so bloody attached?" I asked myself. "It's not like he'd be like this about you! He wouldn't care. You're in over your head. If he's gone then the projects over. You are just being stupid getting worked up like this," I paused, watching my broken eyes looking back at me and for some odd reason it let me be honest with myself. "He... Harry won't love you like you do," I muttered under my breath.

I sighed, pulling my eyes from my own face feeling nothing but shame, and I looked away and over my shoulder towards the bed behind me.

Harry was already sat up without a sound, eyes open and glaring at me from the edge of the bed.

My heart dropped on the floor; I was terrified whether Harry heard the confession of not. Though I tossed that feeling to the side immediately and practically dove toward the man, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his precious lips, long and hard.

"I swear to god, Harry, you do that again to me and I'll kill you." My empty threat confused Harry- I could tell -as I kissed his cheeks and his nose and lips.

"I don't recall what I've done." He replied. The tone of his voice suddenly brought me back to the day I met him; proper and robotic.

I kept my arms locked around his neck but pulled away enough to see Harry's full face. Expressionless, also like when we first met.

"You just...dropped, love, you nearly gave me a heart attack." I told him, feeling worried all over again.

"I don't remember that." His face then pulled his new confused expression and it was like the world fell off my shoulders and the claw finally released its horrible grip on my heart.

I sighed and smiled in relief, "That's okay, you don't have to. Just tell me that you at least still remember me, yeah?" I pleaded.

A small grin played over Harry's mouth and the feeling it brought me was better than every good part of my life combined.

"Yes, Niall, you are all I remember." Harry's one hand planted on my lower back and the other was cupped against my cheek and jaw.

"Did you pick up on some smooth pick-lines while you were passed out?" I said while laughing. Not in a mean way, though. What Harry said was probably the sweetest thing I'd ever heard and I'd die to hear him say it everyday, but still.

"I did not, but I am learning from the best."

And if I had to bet on anything ever in my life, it would be that Harry was purposefully wearing some kind of sexy smirk while he said that.

"I don't know how I could go from devastated to completely turned on in the matter of minutes, but I just did." I was now straddled over Harry's lap and his hands were secured over my ass while my arms were around his neck.

"You're aroused?" He asked.

"Yes, Harry. You make me horny." I rolled my eyes feeling embarrassed by my own blunt reply.

"Oh," he cooed, something darkening in his eyes. "I... I remember you went for a bath and I was on the Internet on your computer..."

"You know, if you're trying to further turn me on, Harry, this isn't typically the direction to go in." I intervened. Harry furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Sorry, continue." I pressed my bum down in his lap earning a small gasp.

But he did continue, "I was on the Internet for a while learning plenty of things. And I want to try some of the things I've learned, on you." I wouldn't have understood what he meant if he hadn't gripped my ass they way he did.

"Oh god."

Harry stood up with me clinging on to his torso, his large hands sliding down to my thighs.

"Will you let me?"

"Fuck, yes." I was already shamefully hard and there was no way I'd move on with today without letting Harry have his way with me.

And sure, I should have probably been more concerned about why Harry had just dropped to the ground before, but the current matters felt more important at the moment so I let it slide.

Harry carried me over to the window and quickly pulled the curtains closed, taking no hesitation to pin my back against the wall and kiss me feverishly.

My skin was on fire everywhere he touched and my lips stung as he bit them softly. The only thing on my mind at that point was Harry, and the question of 'how many pornos were watch on my laptop before this could all happen', though, I was more concerned about the former.


Hope you enjoyed my lovelies xxx

Love y'all


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