Chapter 10

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The Next Day  (Sunday)

3:27 pm

"Okay Natsu...remember the plan...Lisanna we're over..yes" Natsu whispered to himself, closing his eyes in preparation. He couldn't do it no more, he couldn't put them through pain and heartache. "I have to do this.." Natsu sighed, opening his eyes and watching himself in the rear view mirror.

He was parked outside of a big white house, Lisanna's home. "Grr...why...oh why did I put myself in this situation.." he groaned, face palming himself.

He paused and hid in his car when he saw the front door opened, a long white hair girl walking out the house dressed in a light blue dress, shaking the keys in her hand. "Come on Elfman, let's go!" the woman who Natsu knew as Mirajane yelled, walking by a black car and unlocking it with the keys.

"Wow...Mira looks..different" Natsu mumbled to himself then he saw a big guy holding two suitcases in his hands, walking out the house and towards the car as well, then he saw..her..

Lisanna came out, standing by the door of her home, dressed in a white t shirt and short dark blue pants. She crossed her arms at them, a smile on her lips "See you tomorrow sis!" Mira yelled, already in the car with Elfman in the driver's seat, starting up the car. "See ya" Lisanna said, giving them a little wave before the car drove off.

Lisanna then sighed, walking back in her home and closing the door behind her.

"So she's home alone.." he whispered, crossing his arms "which will make breaking up with her much more easier.." he closed his eyes tight "I can do this...right?"


Lucy sighed, looking through pictures of her and Natsu. She was in a mess right now, she wanted to believe him so bad but a part of her still felt like he was lying. "Why does he lie so much?.." she asked herself, watching a picture of her and Natsu.

She remembered that day like if it was was the same day she kissed him by surprise.


"Hey Natsu" Lucy said, walking up to the pink hair teen who held a basketball in his hand, standing next to Gray who held the trophy. "Oh, Luce" he noticed her and quickly walked up to her, giving her a hug, lifting her off her feet. "Congratulations on winning the games" "Thanks besty" she smiled and when put her back down she broke the hug with him.

"Wow you're sweaty" she said, wiping sweat off his forehead. "Well yeah I just won the game Luce, back and forth I had to run" she softly smiled at him and then a mn walked up to them, a camera in his hands. "Sorry I just had to stop to get your picture" Lucy smiled at him then turned to Natsu.

"Are you two a couple?" the man asked and Natsu shook his head "We're-" "We are.." he turned to Lucy in shock and the blonde went on her tippy toes and kissed him square on the mouth. "Mm?" she knew he were surprised but the shock quickly disappeared when he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back.

End Of Flashback:

Lucy smiled at the memory "Oh those were the days.." she dropped the picture and her father walked in her room "Lucy" he said "Yeah dad?" "I'm going off to work okay?" she smiled "...sure" he walked up to her and hugged her "I'm gonna miss you.." he whispered "Me too too" she hugged him back just as tight.


Tap Tap Tap

"Hey.." "Hm?" Natsu's eyes slowly opened and he gasped when he saw Lisanna's face by the window. He jumped. "Are you coming in or or you just going to sleep in your car all day outside my home?" she gave him a smile, she was soaking wet because of the rain and Natsu looked at his watch.

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