13| Hank McCoy - Stitches

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The fight was raging around you. On your right, you glimpsed Mystique knocking out an armed man before running to fight one trying to hit Nightcrawler. On your left, Hank was punching another one. He winked at you when he noticed you before running toward Cyclops to help him.

Your opponent already on the floor, passed out, you looked around you. Two armed men were helping a third one to get back on his feet.

It was an easy target and so you unsheathed two daggers rapidly and sent them flying towards the two men. Loaded with energy, they shook the men at the impact and they crashed on the floor in a loud noise. They will be out for a good thirty minutes. The third man, now on his feet, stared at you before moving his hand toward his gun. Your hand went to your thigh, ready to throw another dagger at him just like you had done with the two other but as your fingers grazed at the empty sheaths, you felt fear creep into you. A quick look at the your legs confirmed that you were out of weapons and when you raised your head again and locked eyes with the man, you glimpsed a smile hovering on his lips. He had noticed it too.

His gun already in his hand, he was aiming at you. You barely had the time to dove toward the ground before a loud noise reached your ears. Pain ran through your body as you fall on the uneven ground but for a short second, you felt relief washing over you. You were fine. Or at least, you thought until a sharp pain appeared in your right arm. You put your hand on it as you sat behind a heap of rubble, trying as best as you could to hide.

You could hear yourself groan in pain at every movement and witness your hand becoming redder at every second it was compressing the wound. Your breathing was erratic and your heart racing in your chest. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, trying to get your heart to slow down.

After a few deep breathing, you could feel yourself relax and removed your hand of your arm to look at the gash.

Luckily, you realized it was a flesh wound and soon you found the strength to get up and walk toward the jet discreetly. The others were finishing the mission, you could see it and so you went back to the jet to wait for them there.

Ten minutes after, the rest of the group joined you; they were exhausted but happy.

When Raven walked next to you toward her seat, she looked at your wound for a second with an inquisitive and concerned expression but as you smiled at her, she decided not to say anything. Hank, on the other hand, did not show as much restraint.

"(Y/N), what happened to you?" He asked worriedly when he entered the jet as well.

He knelt in front of your seat and took your arm in his hand, trying to get a closer look at the wound which was now covered with a bandage you had found in the jet.

"It's not serious, don't worry." You answered, pulling your arm away from him and laying your hand on his shoulder.

Blood was still pouring out of the wound but it was not as abundant as before; it could wait for you to return.

He frowned slightly, studying the bandages covered in blood before meeting your eyes. You flashed a reassuring smile at him and buckled your seat belt, making him understand you would not let him treat you here.

Hank stared at you for a few more seconds, debating internally about what he should do before getting up and walking reluctantly toward the pilot seat. As he turned the motor on, he shot one last worried look at you before raising the jet into the air and flying home.


As soon as you had landed, Hank made you follow him to the infirmary.

Seated on the bed, you watched him rummage through a closet before handing you a white hospital gown. You raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what the hell he wanted you to do with that.

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