16| Alex Summers - Kiss Me

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Can you please do another Alex Summers were he finds out that his best friend (the reader) has powers and is in love with him so he tries to find her to tell her that he loves her too. And his little brother knows.


"Where've you been?" Scott asked when Alex entered the house they were sharing.

Scott was slumped into the couch, watching some stupid reality show and eating a pizza. Crusts were everywhere on the floor and Alex took it on himself not to kick his brother's ass.

"Out, with (Y/N)."

Alex took his jacket off and went to sit next to his brother, grabbing the slice of pizza of his hand and eating it.

Scott protested but quickly took another slice before raising his eyebrow at Alex.

"Out uh? Doing what?"

"None of your business."

Scott flashed a smile in Alex's direction, making clear to his brother what he was thinking about the two of them getting out in the evening.

"By the way, why didn't you tell me (Y/N) could fly?"

Alex stopped chewing the bit of pizza he had in his mouth and stared at his brother.

"What are you talking about?"

"That she's a mutant, like us." He shook his head, thinking his brother was playing dumb but when he met Alex's astounded gaze, he realized he had made a blunder. "You didn't know?"

"What do you mean she's a mutant? How do you know?" Alex seemed to be about to explode because of the sudden news.

Scott rubbed the back of his neck before admitting: "I just saw her levitate in her back garden a few days ago, I thought you knew."

Alex's gaze fell on the ground. He did not know why you had not told him about it. You knew about him, about his mutation. Still quite surprised, it took him a few seconds to get up and grab his jacket again. He needed to get things sorted.


Scott's voice took Alex out of his drowsiness and he stared at his little brother impatiently.

"When you'll go see her, please just kiss her. I've been watching the two of you hover around each other for too long."

Alex blinked, not understanding. He did not know his brother knew about his feelings for (Y/N).

"Come on, you're not that discreet. Every time you talk about her you become so... cheesy." Scott said in a disgusted tone. "And her, she so in love with you I can't understand how you did not figure it out."

This news surpassed the one before. If his brother was right, he did not know how he had not notice it before too. He did not want to get his hopes high but now that he knew you were a mutant too, he finally felt like it was a good time to confess his feelings for you. He had not wanted to say it before because he had not wanted to bring you into this messed up life of mutant but now that he knew you were like him, it was different.

Putting his jacket on, he stormed out of the house, not seeing Scott roll his eyes at his brother's blindness.


Alex waited in front of (Y/N)'s house for an hour before he got the nerves to go knock on the door. While he was waiting, he kept getting his hands in and out of his pockets nervously. He did not know how to say it. Should he be blunt? Or beat about the bushes before?

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