24| Kurt Wagner - Family Meal

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"I was thinking another Kurt one ... something like this: a mutant girl (duh) who's been at the mansion for a while gets invited back to her home for dinner with her family (sorta uptight mother, looser father who's close and a bit protective of his daughter). There's a plus: any of her 'friends' are invited. Scot and the others see this as a perfect "opportunity" for Kurt, who's developed quite the crush on the reader, to meet her parents and such. Only, on the night of the dinner, things don't quite go as planned ...."


Standing nervously in front of your parent's house door, you checked your hair in your reflection in the window for the third time. You were stressed out. So much so that it was beginning to rub off on Kurt who was standing next to you and who began to fiddle with his jacket.

A quick glance at him and you realized he almost looked scared. It made you feel bad. He was probably thinking you did not want him to meet your parents, that you were ashamed of him. Which could not have been more wrong.

In fact, it's was your parents you were ashamed of. And more particularly of the way they were surely going to treat Kurt.

When you had asked your friends who wanted to come for dinner at your house, you had not really known who would accept, but you would have most likely bet on Jean.

But, when everybody started to say they had something else planned, you had started to freak out. You could not go there alone. Kurt had saved your life then, offering to accompany you with a shy smile.

It had made your heart flutter in your chest at the thought that he was willing to meet your parents, but then you had remembered how much your mother hated mutants and how religious she was and how her and Kurt in the same room was sure to turn into a disaster.

You had still brought him with you though, mainly because you could not say no in spending an entire evening with him, even if you had to see your parents too.

Thinking about that, you turned your head to look at Kurt and smiled at him warmly, trying to relax and make him relax. He smiled back, his fangs poking slightly, and you warned him, trying not to seem too grim:

"You should know that my parents... Well, my mother mostly, she's not very into mutant. So, don't take it too personally if, when she sees you, she reacts-", you frowned, trying to come up with an adjective that was not too depressing, "-badly."

Badly was an understatement, but he did not need to know that.

Kurt nodded before squeezing harder the bouquet of flowers he was holding in his hands. His smile was frozen on his face and he seemed about to throw up. Knowing Kurt you figured he really wanted to make a good first impression on your parents and your words had not comforted him at all.

Biting your lips guiltily, you brushed your hand against his arm in an attempt to make him relax before knocking on the door.


A heavy silence was stretching on between the four of you. Sitting in front of your mother at the dinner table, you were staring at your plate desperately. Kurt, to your left, was chewing on his steak while moving his tail nervously behind him. Your father, in front of him, was staring at him curiously.

You would have taken the interest of your father for Kurt as a good sign if your mother was not looking at him with fear and disgust in his eyes, but the worst was that every time Kurt would do something like talk or look at her or even use his napkin, she would grimace and touch the golden cross she was wearing as a necklace around her neck.

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