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I may only be a first grader, but I know I can win an apple. I mean how hard can it be?

I step up to the bowl with my friend Maya Hart standing off to the side watching me. I take a deep breath and plunge in. The second my head hits the water I start to panic. What was I thinking? I can't breath with my head in a bowl of water! I start to flail my arms so that someone might think to come to my rescue. When no one does I hear Maya telling me just to lift my head.

Of course! All I have to do is lift my head.

I lift my head and turn to Maya who has an amused look on her face. "You saved yourself. Good job."

"Yeah," I agree, "I saved myself."


"I can't talk to him Maya," I groan.

"Why not? I just did. In fact I broke up with him!"

I roll my eyes playfully. "You guys were together for all of two minutes."

She shrugs. "It's still my longest relationship."

I laugh and she sighs. "If you don't go talk talk to him I'll push you," the blonde threatens.

My eyes fill with fear as I quickly shake my head. "No. Please don't. I'm not as confident as you."

Maya looks at my hand that's holding the pole before nodding. She knows that I'm really insecure. When I was younger I was a lot more carefree until about fifth grade. Some boys started harassing me and even though Maya did her best to make them go away nothing worked. Ever since then I've had a hard time not only trying to meet new people, but also trusting them once I get to know them.

The train lurches forward and I'm afraid I'm going to lose my grip on the pole when my bestie grabs my hand. She looks at me and smiles as if to tell me she won't ever let me fall.

Before long we're at our stop; we're making our way to the first day of seventh grade.


I've been getting these texts for a while now and I'm not sure what to do. I could tell Maya, but she might get mad at me for having drama. It's not like I can reason with this person, so what do I do.

I sigh and let the tears fall onto my pillows. Another sleepless night isn't that big of a deal until my phone pings.

I grab it and it says, 'I'll leave you alone since this has been going on for nearly two months. Just remember you will always be a weirdo that no one will ever accept. Later loser.'

I put my phone down and feel some relief knowing that it's all over. I just wish someone would've seen that I've been sad for a long time a while ago so that this would've been stopped sooner. Nothing I can do now except thank God it's over.

And maybe, I think to myself, how everything the bully said to me is true.

Hello. Yes I have decided to write a new book. Yayyyy!
Don't worry my two other books are not going to be discontinued, but they probably will all have slow updates from now on. ;(
I'll do my best though I promise!

Saved Myself {Riarkle}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang