Chapter 22

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I walk down the halls as everyone frantically runs around trying to get things in at the last minute.

Next week is finals which means this is the last chance to turn in missing assignments, late work, and to redo tests. I've done everything already, so I'm just heading to the cafeteria for lunch.

Farkle and Smarkle are tutoring people in science, I made him do it since he could help so many people, and Zay and Lucas are part of the many people who are retaking tests.

I look at Maya who is reading a book. I smile happily knowing that this is just like old times, except it's even better because we have more friends and I'm happier now.

"Maya," I call out.

She looks up and says, "Yes honey?"

"I just wanted to say thanks for being here for me through everything. You really are my best friend forever."

The blonde beauty grabs my hand. "For better or for worse, we're stuck with each other."

We laugh and she goes back to reading while I eat my lunch.

As it's coming to an end someone comes up behind me grabs my apple. I turn around ready to smack whoever it was, but my eyes meet the beautiful ocean blue eyes of my boyfriend.

He takes a bite and smiles. "Sorry Goldie, I didn't have a chance to eat," Farkle mumbles. "I guess that's the price you have to pay for being a good person."

I happily shook my head. "You're such a dork. You could've just ate while you were tutoring."

He shrugs saying, "This is just so much more effective; don't you think Maya?"

Without looking up she nods. "I thought the whole point of a relationship is to get free food."

I giggle and turn to Farkle, who sat down next me, to find him staring at me.

Shyly I ask why he's staring at me.

"Your giggle... it's my new favorite sound in the world," he tells me while gently grabbing my hand.

My heart swells with love and happiness. I can't believe it's taken me this long to fall in love with him, or maybe I was just too blind looking for love in all he wrong places.

"I love you," I relay for the hundredth time this week.

"I love you too."

The bell rings; slowly snapping us out of our spell.

Maya chimes in saying, "And I love the sound of that bell. Now, hurry up love birds we have to go meet up with the other two before your dad's class."

We get up and throw our trash away as we head out. We see the guys are waiting for us. When we get closer I hear them talking about how they think the did on their tests.

Zay states, "I don't think I failed, I mean I did study and everything, but if I did fail, at least I tried."

We smile and reassure him that he couldn't have done that bad. Lucas tells us he thinks he did pretty well. We tell him we have our fingers crossed for him.

The late bell rings just as we take our seats.

My dad turns and smiles at us. I look passed him to see what the lesson for today is.


Everyone looks to each other confused. I mean sure, my dad always has deep and meaningful lessons, but all about us? That's definitely a new one.

"Congratulations. Every single person in this room has pretty much finished with their junior year. Whether you tried your hardest or simply flew under the radar; you made it. That's why today's lesson is all about you.

"I'm sure some of you, hopefully a majority of you, have been looking into different colleges. Maybe even starting to figure out what you want to do with your life. If you have no idea it's not the end of the world. You still have time. If you know what you want; great! Just be open to the change that life can throw at you.

"There's not much else I can say besides that I hope I taught you all well enough that you will be the best you possible. But the last lesson that I have for you this year is that you shouldn't be too hard on yourself."

My dad has everyone's attention, especially mine.

"We tend to be the most critical on ourselves, and I think that we forget that we are human too. Learn to love yourself and put yourself first before anyone else. Once you do that; the world doesn't seem to be such a scary place."

I smile at him and he looks at me. I can see in his eyes that this message is for me. It's a lesson that he's afraid he's taught me too late. That's why he wants to teach this to us all of us now, so he doesn't tell someone this lesson too late.

"Go ahead and talk quietly for the rest of class. I'm sure all you are already prepared for my final."

Everyone nods and turns to each other. I go over to Farkle and he knows what I'm going to say. I can see in his eyes that he's known this whole time and was waiting for me to figure it out.

"Me," I quietly say.

A sly grin creeps up on his face. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I shake my head at him and say, "Yeah right. C'mon beanie, I know I'm the last reason, and I know it's the last because everything's come full circle."

He sits in the edge of his desk and takes my hands in his. "Everything seems to start with ourselves, Riles."

I nod and smile a little. "I guess getting better starts with me too."

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