Chapter 20

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I've never felt this way before.

At least, not that I can remember.

I can't believe that everything is just falling into place this way. My friends are getting along and my family isn't entirely split in two. And of course I can't forget that I've found love.

I smile as I eat breakfast with my mom. We decided to hangout just us at Topanga's today since we haven't seen each other in awhile.

"So you guys are all friends now?" she asks.

I happily nod. "Yeah, we all have a lot more in common than I thought. It's like we've been friends a lot longer than we have been."

My mom smiles explaining, "Those are the friend you need to keep closest to you because they'll be there for you through everything."

"That's what I plan on doing," I reply digging into my muffin.

"So," my mom starts while eating her bagel, "I heard from a little birdy that you and Farkle are pretty much together; is it true?"

My checks heat up even though I try to act casual about the question. "Is this 'little birdy' my best friend Ms. Hart?"

My mom analyzes me with a little smirk. "That's besides the point. You're dodging my question."

I take great interest in my breakfast while slowly nodding so that my mom will let up on me. She squeals happily, and I just laugh giddily since I'm the one finding my first love.

"I'm happy for you sweetheart," she says reaching across the table to take my hand, "He seems like a really good guy."

"Thanks mom," I chirp excitedly. "I've never felt this way before, and I'm really happy with him."

My mom gives me this look like she's reminiscing about when she first fell for my dad. I see it all over her face. The sadness and regret, but also the love and longing. They had a falling out and everything, but she's not ready to just throw it all away.



"What's going on with you and dad?"

She sucks in a breath as if she were expecting this talk to come up eventually.

"Well, right now we're still married, just taking a break from each other. I love him and I think he still loves me, but with everything that's been happening recently I don't know what our future holds."

I look up and watch as my mom tugs at her ring nervously. "Do you want to go though with the divorce?"

She pauses to find the right words. "No. I don't ever want to lose the love of my life. Especially when things are still fixable. I know that we have our work cut out for us but I'm willing to put in the work if he is."

"I'm sure he is," I reassure her. "He talks about you occasionally and I catch him staring at pictures of you more often than he'd like to admit."

She laughs and nods. "Then I would definitely say that there's hope for us yet."

We smile and stand since we've finished eating. Hand in hand we head back towards my apartment chit chatting away before we separate for who knows how long.

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