Chapter 21

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"Don't make me do it."

"You wouldn't dare," I retort.

"That does it!"

Farkle lunges at me and grabs me around my waist and we fall back on the couch.

We've been arguing for the last hour over what to watch. He wants to watch The Walking Dead and I want to watch Once Upon A Time.

We just laugh no longer caring what we end up watching, just that we're together.

We shift around so that he's laying the long way on the couch and I'm on top of him with my head on his chest. I listen to his heartbeat while he plays with my hair.

"I love you," he mumbles

I say it back just as a little munchkin comes in screaming, "Riley, Riley, Riley!"

As soon as he spots us he covers his eyes. "Gross. Can't you guys keep the PDA to a minimum?"

I giggle at his childishness. "Get over it. What's up?"

He peeks through his fingers and speaks, "I thought you should know that mom's coming over right now."

My eyes widen on surprise, and I sit up causing Farkle to whine. "Did dad tell you why?"

My brother nods his head. "He said that they decided to be grown ups and talk things out."

I smile at this. Maybe things aren't as bad as they seem. If my parents are still giving this a shot then I have to have hope.

We hear the buzzer and Auggie and I look at each other. We nod like we have a sibling mind reading ability. He walks over to the door while I pull my boyfriend over to my room. I rather my mom not get distracted and play 50 questions with my boyfriend.

I close my door and listen to my mom come in. She makes comments about how she's missed her baby boy and that the place hasn't changed a bit.

Her voice goes softer until she's on the other side of the apartment.

Turning to Farkle, who is sitting crisscross on my bed, I smile.

He happily holds out his hands and I crawl into his lap. We stay like that; trying to just enjoy whatever peace we have right now.

"Can I make a suggestion about your next reason?" he quietly asks breaking the silence.

I nod.

"Maybe the whole world and everything in it?"

I chuckle and point out, "That's a little broad don't you think?"

Farkle smiles. "Well, to explain, I meant that you were just so optimistic about everything that the world seemed to crush you. Your heart of gold didn't know how to take it."

"So I'm not optimistic anymore?"

"You are," he assures me, "Just more careful now."

"Fine. Then the next reason, the world."

After that we decide to lay down next to each other. Within moments I've moved so that my heads on his chest yet again, not that I mind.

We stay in the quiet, calming moment.

With this family I'm surprised it lasted more then five minutes.

My door bursts open with my parents being the culprits. It takes me 0.1 seconds to see that they're smiling and holding hands. My heart leaps into my throats and a couple tears slip out of my eyes.

I go over to them and throw my arms around them. My brother, who wasn't far behind them, joins in. We hold each other and my dad tells us that they're in it for the long game.

That they're in it together.

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