Chapter 15

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I walk into school knowing the plan that we made probably won't work.

Closing my locker I sigh and go over to him.  He's standing next to his locker, which isn't that far from mine.

"Are you sure about this?" I ask.

He smirks. "Are you doubting me, right now?"

I give him a look so that he knows I have reasons to. "It's just still kinda outgoing, and I'm not that person anymore."

"You'll be fine," Farkle insists while putting his arm around my shoulder comfortingly. "Just get everything off your chest, have no regrets, live in the moment, and every other cheesy card ever made."

I chuckle and nod. "Alright. Let's do this," I say walking into my dad's classroom.

Farkle sits down and I go over to my dad. "I have some things to say to that class, is that okay?" I ask him.

He looks up at my from his desk chair and whispers, "Are you sure you're ready to address them now-?"

"I'm positive," I cut him off. "This is the subject I've been learning in since forever and I think it's time for a new lesson."

"Then the floor's yours," my dad tells me as he moves to the back of he room.

I take a deep breath and turn to the rest of the class. I make eye contact with Zay and Lucas. They look confused, but give me an encouraging nod as anyways.

From them I look to Maya, who seems anxious. After everything that's happened I don't really blame her. I try to give her an apologetic look, but I'm not sure if she got that.

"All of you know me or, more likely, know of me. I'm Riley Matthews. I used to be known as this super happy, good girl that got along with everyone. That person was a doormat that I didn't want to be anymore.

"More recently, I was the girl who didn't give two craps about anyone. I didn't care how anyone else was doing, and it put me in a really low place. It pushed me to the point of not caring about anything, even myself.

"I pushed my feelings to the side until it exploded and I did something that would've changed me forever. I could've been paralyzed or even died."

I stop and take a deep breath. My mind is on overdrive and all I want to do is breakdown and hide from the world. Farkle's eyes meet mine and they tell me to use that emotion to push me forward.

I continue, "I don't want to be known as that girl who jumped. I want to put that behind me and I would appreciate it if you could look passed that too. I'm still learning who I am and I'm sorry I hurt any of you in the process. We're human and sometimes we hurt each other."

Maya and I look at each other and smile sadly.

"I get that now. This is a learning process, so instead of judging me, learn from me. Thank you, I am Riley Matthews."

Everyone is dead silent.

My heart beats quickly as I try to keep myself from passing out.


Everyone's still taking what I said in.

Then some claps from none other than Farkle.

Then Lucas and Zay.

Then Maya.

After them, everyone joins in. A few tears that I've been holding back slip out and I wipe them away as I sit down.

My dad walks to the front and smiles. "I think that's one of the best lessons you will ever learn in life. Take it to heart. Now if you you're all quiet, free period until this class is over."

Saved Myself {Riarkle}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt