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*Your P.O.V*

There he was again. It's like he always shows up when I think about him. I mean, it's not coincidence that this happens. It's common to see him. We both are in the same collage. I'm actually surprised that they let him in saying that he has piercings and tattoos. I look at him one more time before looking back in the book I was reading. I was mainly doing this as a distraction from him. I could barely keep my eyes off of him. He was gorgeous. Absolutely astonishing. And before I knew it, I was looking at him once again. He caught my quick glances and began to walk towards me. I, of course, was freaking out. We've never talked to each other and I don't even know how he sounds. I don't even know his name. He peered down at me and smiled. "You like what you see?" He asked, chuckling after. He had a deep voice that was so calming. It's like my words got caught in my throat and I began to choke.

"I'm sorry... I didn't realize I was staring until you walked over. I apologize... uh..." I stuttered out, still not knowing what to call him.


"Oh. Well, I'm sorry Mark if I made you feel uncomfortable." He nodded and walked away. That's it? I walked back to my dorm with my mind still caught up on the whole Mark thing. F/n, my roommate and friend, got up from her bed and looked at me. She knew something was up. She always does.

"What happened to you?"

"How do you know something's up?"

"You look confused, y/n. What's up?"

"Ok, here it goes. Well, Mark walked up to me today... You know, the one that's punkish?" Her eyes grew wide and she gasped. I didn't understand why she was so frightened over just some guy, but I don't know why I am either.

"Y/n, you cannot hang out with him! Don't talk to him!"

"Why? What did he do?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Rumor has it that a kid in his high school pissed him off so much that he killed him..." She said, looking over her shoulder.

"Really? That's what they came up with?" I absolutely didn't believe it. He stilled freaked me out a tad, but not because of looks. Just because he seemed so intimidating.

"Hey, it could be real! Anyway, don't mess with him. Please leave him alone."

"Whatever..." I say, trying to drop the whole thing. I probably shouldn't have said anything. F/n gets creeped out over everything. I look over at the clock and sigh. 6:25pm.

"I'm gonna go out for dinner or something. You wanna go, f/n?"

"No, I'm good. I have to study for a test next week."

"Ok, well, good luck on studying. Bye." I get up and walk out of the door, and down the long hallway. I go out the double doors and walk down to an old café. I take a seat at a booth in the small, dusty but clean room. The waitress walks over and hands me a menu.

"What would you like?" She said plainly, staring don at her notepad.

"Can I get f/d and f/f?" I asked with a smile.

"It'll be out in a few."

"Thank you." She walks away and I get out my phone, turning it down a little so I could watch YouTube. I watched y/f/yt while I waited for my food.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\Time Skip/\/\/\/\/\/\

I couldn't seen to get to sleep. It's passed one in the morning and I'm not even drowsy. I grab my phone off the charger and shove it I'm my pocket. I grab my jacket with a f/b logo on it and stand up. I should probably write f/n a letter incase she wakes up. I write a quick note, explaining where I'm going. I walk out the door and down the hallway once more. I get to the double doors and look outside at the pitch black darkness. I was never really a fan of the dark. I'd always need someone to be with me. I take a breath and go out, instantly regretting the fact that I stepped outside my comfort zone. I grab for my phone and turn on the flashlight, so I can actually see. I walk farther away from the collage and find myself in the forest. I keep going and I began to see a waterfall. It looked so beautiful and calming. I looked around the area to not see a single person here. Not surprising. I turn off my phone light and put my hands in my pockets.

*Mark's P.O.V*

I grabbed my pack of cigarettes along with my phone before walking out and away from the collage campus. Smoking isn't allowed on campus, so I go to this really cool place to just relax. It's a bit far, but not too much. It's totally worth it. I'm going to the woods. There's a waterfall and no one ever goes there. My walk to the woods was pretty quick and I stop to light mi cigarette. I continue on and go to the area that I loved. Then, I saw her. She was sitting by the waterfall, looking at it. I slowly walk up and sit beside her, leaving enough room to not be in her personal space.

"I didn't think you liked the dark." I say while taking a drag from my smoke. She nods and looks down.

"I don't, but I couldn't get to sleep..." I exhale and look over. Was she...scared?

"Are you ok y/n?" I could see her jump a little from that. She was on the edge of fear for some reason. It isn't me, is it?

"I-I'm sorry... But can I ask a really stupid question?"

"Shoot." She messes with the zipper on her coat and clears her throat, not seeming like she wanted to ask.

"Are...Did you ever hurt someone...?"

"Yeah, my parent's hopes for me to be a doctor. Why?" I laugh some, trying to lighten the mood.

"My roommate told me something. She's crazy. I just wanted to prove her wrong. Not that I think you're a bad person or anything-"

"It's ok. That's not the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Calm down." I say, trying to get her to feel comfortable. She nods and starts asking about my piercings. The conversation sparks from there. We talk for hours nonstop about random shit that doesn't really matter. We even had the sad, emotional talk that resulted in tears. I walk her back to her dorm and she leans in to hug me. I return the hug and squeeze her tightly. We let go and look at each other.

"Goodnight, Mark."

"Goodnight, y/n." I turn away, but she says my name. I turn back and smile.


"Can... we hangout again sometime?"

"Of course, my dear." She blushes and goes into her room and I walk to mine. I can't wait til tomorrow.


1,178 WORDS?! HOLY FUCK! HOW DID I DO THAT OML! Anyway, thank you guys for reading

(45 views?! HOW?!) and I will see you in the next chapter. BU-BYE!


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