Wedding Day

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*Your P.O.V*

I stood there shaking with f/n beside me. I was nervous, but excited. I'm gonna marry the man of my dreams today. All bad thoughts came rushing in at once. What if he says no? What if he doesn't show up? "Y/n, calm down. Mark loves you and wants to marry you." I nod as she rubs my back.

"I'm just scared f/nn..."

"Don't worry. You looks very beautiful and you're such a great person. You two will work out perfectly."
"Are you sure, f/n?" She nodded and smiled.
"Come on now. We have a wedding to attend to." She wrapped her arm around mine and we walked out of the small dressing room. She handed me to my father and we walked into the alter. There he was. Mark looked so handsome in his suit. The music was playing as I was handed off to Mark. He grabbed my hands and held onto them as he smiled with glossed eyes.
"Mark and y/n has written their own vows." He looked into my eyes before taking a breath.
"Y/n, I've loved you for the longest time. As soon as I met you, I thought you were the most beautiful, intelligent girl. You still are, my dear. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. The way you have supported me is amazing. You've encouraged me to follow my dreams and helped me achieve them. The dream I have now is for you to be my wife." People start to clap and I look down, blushing bright red. I clear my throat and look up.
"Mark, you've completed me. I've never experienced love like the love you give me. You help me get through the day and help me chase my dreams. I love you so much." The crowd of friends and family clap again. I look around, seeing Jack behind Mark, opposite of where f/n is to me.

"Do you, Mark Fischbach, take Y/n Y/l/n to be lawfully wedded wife?" Mark nodded as he looked into my e/c eyes.

"I most certainly do."

"And do you, Y/n Y/l/n take Mark Fischbach to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Yes, I do!"

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Mark pulled me in and kissed me passionately as the people in front of us cheered. He pulled away and we looked ahead. People took photos and I got to throw the bouquet, which landed in one of my friends hands.
"I caught it! I caught it!"
/\/\/\/\/\/\Time Skip/\/\/\/\/\

The music starts to play as Mark and I stand in the crowd. He held out his hand and smiled widely. I gladly took it and we danced to the song 'Can't help falling in love' by Twenty One Pilots. Mark and I had always loved to the song and wanted to dance to it at our wedding. As the song came to an end, kids around were screaming for cake. Mark was too, of course. We went over to the nicely decorated cake and sliced through it. Everyone one had a great time and so did I. It was my dream wedding. "Hello, Mrs. Fischbach. You look lovely tonight." I look up to see Mark. He smiled at me.

"You do as well."

"I really love your dress... I can't wait to see it when it's off..." He whispered in a deep voice. I blushed and looked down, avoiding his gaze.

"GROUP PHOTO!" I sighed and grabbed Marks hand, dragging him to the camera.


Sorry it's such a short chapter. Anyway, I'd really like to thank each and every one of you that has read this book so far. Thank you so much for the support. I'd also like to thank my good friend @cabbageattack for getting me into writing. She thanked me in her last chapter, but it's really her who done it all. Thank you hoebag. (Not sure if I tagged her tbh...) Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and I will see you in the next chapter. BU-BYE


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