It's going to be alright

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-3rd Person POV-

She sat all alone on her bed, crying silently. She feels like there's no hope. She feels like a disappointment and just wants everything to stop. She beats herself up over all the little things. She tries her hardest at all she does, but wonders if she should have tried harder at it. She inspires a lot of people, but doesn't believe it. She's helped people, but doesn't mind or hold it against them. She is the best person you'll ever meet. She has a mind of her own and speaks it. Her music taste is amazing and her personality is as well. She does a lot for people, but doesn't get the recognition she deserves. She supports people and tells them to live their life; to be themselves. She will make sure that you're doing fine. If not, she will defiantly, without a doubt, cheer you up. If you're perfectly fine, she has a way to make you better. She's an amazing friend and I hope she knows that she is cared about and is not a disappointment. There's hope and a whole lifetime to live it up. Why stop the world when you can live in the now and enjoy it? Why beat yourself up? You don't need to fix something that is completely fine and unique. Why think about what happened in the past and let it get the best of you? The future is bright and it will get better. It sounds cheesy, but it will. You just have to give it time. It'll be alright. I promise. And, hopefully, she's reading this and will believe it. Cause it's all true.


Hey guys. This chapter really means something to me. This is for my friend. I'm bad at talking, but somewhat good with typing. I needed to let this out and this is what I had to say. I promise, it'll be alright. Thank you so much for reading this and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.



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