The curse of the weathered gun

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A/N- So, I did this plot generator thing and I got a very weird plot... I'm gonna try to make it good. I read the story to @cabbageattack and her response was 'wow.' ME. Without further ado, on with the story! Plot I was givin- Whilst investigating the death of a local private detective, a Brave computer programmer called Mark Fischbach uncovers a legend about a supernaturally-cursed, weathered Gun circulating throughout California. As soon as anyone uses the Gun, he or she has exactly 12 days left to live.

The doomed few appear to be ordinary people during day to day life, but when photographed, they look skeletal. A marked person feels like a quiet dog to touch.

Mark gets hold of the Gun, refusing to believe the superstition. A collage of images flash into his mind: a warped kitten balancing on an icy private detective, an old newspaper headline about a hit and run accident, a hooded ostridge ranting about arm and a drinking well located in a blue place.

When Mark notices his wrist have dog-like properties, he realizes that the curse of the weathered Gun is true and calls in his really good friends, a painter called Y/n, to help.

Y/n examines the Gun and willingly submits herself to the curse. She finds that the same visions flash before her eyes. She finds the warped kitten balancing on an icy private detective particularly chilling. She joins the queue for a supernatural death.

Mark and Y/n pursue a quest to uncover the meaning of the visions, starting with a search for the hooded ostridge. Will they be able to stop the curse before their time is up?

-Mark's P.O.V-

I scroll through the article and chuckle. There's no way it can be true. This is just something that the public came up with. I shut the laptop and get up from the desk, calling my girlfriend, y/n. It rings three time and she picks up the phone and answers, sounding chirpy.

"Mark! Hey!"

"Hey, so, I just read the article you sent me. You do know that this isn't true, right?"

"Of course, but I thought it'd be good to have a laugh."

"Well, I did. Who knows, I might go looking for the gun."

"If you succeed, we'll have a movie night together. Seem fair?"

"Yeah, supposedly it's close to us. The forest behind that old, abandoned market. Anyway, what time do you get off work?"

"Well, I have one more portrait to work on, so about two hours."

"Okay, well, I'll see you later so we can watch movies."

"Okay, bye Mark." I hang up and slid on my jacket. Even if it's a joke, why not do it just to say I did?

I walk from my house with a thermos filled with coffee and make my way down to the market. I spot the forest in the distance and I walk faster until I'm the woods. I look up the myth on my phone and read where it was 'spotted.' The gun has been said to be under leaves in the very center of the woods. If found, DO NOT TOUCH IT. It's been laced with the curse of the original owner of the gun. Yeah right. I walk diagonally until I see a random pile of leaves. It was kinda weird. The pile was taller than me and much bigger. The wind blew, but the leaves stayed in place. I moved back the leaves and shuffled them around. Soon enough, I found a gun. It was broke in many places and stained with dirt and rust. Whoever did this, had a lot of time to destroy this thing. I pick it up and my body tenses up, not allowing me to move a single muscle. My vision went black, but I started seeing things. Not normal things... Creepy, out of the ordinary things... There was some sort of animal or creature. It had fangs and talons. It was devouring a guy. A page from a newspaper I didn't recognize was stating that there was a hit and run on this very day and year. It was... It was me! There was another guy. He was wearing a black hoodie, not showing his face at all. He was in the middle of nowhere. Where ever he was, the place was a dump. It was almost depressing to see. The number 12 kept being shown though. The creature had it on the collar, The news paper had it at the bottom. Page 12. The guys hoodie had a 12 on it and at the end of it all, I saw white wring say '12 DAYS.' My sight returned and I threw the gun down, not wanting to touch it. There was a burning pain in my wrist. I looked at it and saw the number 12 scratched into it. I took the scarf I was wearing and tied it tight around my wrist. I quickly reach for my phone and dialed y/n's number.

"Mark! Did you-"


"Oh, did you find the gun?" She laughs and I freak out. I try to calm down.

"Look, you have to meet me! It's serious!"

"Okay... I'll be right there." She hung up and I look at the phone, which started to glitch with unpleasant images of dead bodies. Mangled. Decapitated. I threw it at a rock, hoping it'd break. I heard a car motor stop and then running.

"Mark, are you okay?!" Y/n yelled out as she spotted me.

"Y/n, you have to help me! The curse is real!" She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Look, if you're just trying to scare me, it's not gonna work."

"Y/n, I'm not joking!"

"This is another one of your pranks. Mark, you're not fooling me."

"LOOK AT MY WRIST!" I unraveled the scarf and showed her the scar.

"What did you do?!"

"I-I don't know! I touched the gun and saw these weird things! My vision faded and then there was a pain! I looked down and this was suddenly there! My phone glitched and I threw it!" She looked down and picked up the gun before I could react.

"Y/N! NO!" The gun falls down and her eyes turn completely white. They turn back to e/c and she runs into my arms.

"What the hell! I don't wanna die!" She said crying. I hugged her and kiss her cheek.

"You're not gonna die. We're not gonna die. .We'll find a way to fix this. Don't we always?" She nods and looks at me.

"Don't worry. We'll make it through this. So, in the article, it said that there was a man that will arrive. He'll give us the instructions to take care if the gun. Now all we have to do is wait."


Should I make a part 2 to this? I tried to make something out of nothing and it was fun. I liked this a lot! This is how I got my plot >

Sorry for the short updates. I'm dealing with things and I'm juggling a lot. Anyway, if you read this chapter, thanks for sticking with me! Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter. BU-BYE!


(1228 Words)

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