A message from the heart and head. I love you.

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This isn't a imagine, guys. I'm sorry for not updating recently and procrastinating. I'm really sorry. It's been really hard recently... I've been crying and shaking a lot because of how things have been. Just so you know me, I have depression and anxiety, which is pretty fucking horrible. I'm telling you, it blows. You just start crying over nothing sometimes because you just feel lonely, even if there's people in the room. You feel like NO ONE knows you or your mind because you feel like you're the only one. You're the 'minority.' There's a lot of people like this, I understand. Sometimes you CAN'T handle a crowd. You can't let go of the only people you trust, it terrifies you. That's me. This is how I am. I can't talk to new people. I'm thankful to have my best friend in the WHOLE world, Camryn, to help me get through this hell of a journey. I'm a few points from insanity, but she helps me and I sometimes think she is the only one who really believes in me. Thank you. I was thinking about no longer publishing stories on here, but she encouraged me to keep doing so (By saying that she'll hit me, as a joke of course). Even though I only have 120 reads, I'M ENTIRELY GREATFUL FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM! I really do care about each of you. You all aren't numbers. YOU'RE PEOPLE THAT I CARE ABOUT DEARLY. I don't need 1,000,000,000 reads to make it on here. i know that now. If only one person read my story, I'd be completely grateful that they took time to read it. I love you so much and just knowing that you put in the effort to read my crappy stories, makes me happy. Thank you for reading this and I will see you in the next chapter. BU-BYE! WITH ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD,


P.S.- If you need someone to talk to, I'm ALWAYS here. I'll make you feel wanted, worthy, loved, and cherished. How a person should feel all the time.

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