Sleepovers And Dares

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*Your P.O.V*

I fixed up my room and put all the movies I wanted to watch on the table. I was preparing for a sleepover. I put on my outfit for the day, which was an oversized grey hoodie and black leggings. I decided to let my h/c hair hang and I go into the kitchen. This Saturday is gonna be so great. I grab some snack stuff and bring it back to my room, laying it on the bed. I can't wait 'til Mark gets here. Our parents didn't mind if Mark stayed the night with me or vise versa. So, when we grew up, we still stayed the night with each other. Mark's my best friend, but I also have a slight crush on him. I'd never tell him, in fear of rejection. I guess you could say I'm not an outgoing person. Mark is. He's the complete opposite. He'd be able to start a conversation with anyone in less than 30 seconds. Well, anyone can probably do that. There's a knock on the door and I run to it. He's here. I open the door and smile.

"It took you long enough. I was waiting for so long. I could have eaten all of the snack food in that time."

"You wouldn't dare." He said as he fake pouts. I nod and give of an evil grin.

"Oh, I would. You know I would. Now get in here, we have movies to watch, hoe." Mark walks in and we go to my room. I take a seat on a bean bag on the floor and he sat on top of me.

"Get off of me, Mark!" I say, giggling.

"Wow, I have a talking chair! Neat!" I slap his back playfully and he got off of me, sitting on the bag beside me. I got my remote and played f/m. Mark chuckled.

"You watch this movie all the time, y/n."

"Because it's the best movie there is. You should watch it more." I grab the bowl of popcorn and put it between us. I grab handfuls, shoving the buttery popped kernels in my mouth. The movie plays on in the background and Mark shifts to look at me.

"We should play truth or dare."

"But I'll miss the movie."

"Y/nn, You know this movie by heart. You won't miss a thing. So, can we?"

"Fine, but I'm not leaving my room."

"Deal. Ok, truth or dare?"

"Dare." I prepared for the worst. Mark never really gave bad dares, but I was still scared. He smiled.

"I dare you to let me look through your phone for one minute." My heart pounds fast. I sent texts to f/n about liking him. What if he sees anything? I grab my phone and look at it before handing it over.

"You can't question anything on it though." He nods and unlocks it. He knew my pass code. He scrolls and clicks on something. He shows no emotion towards anything. He scrolls, and scrolls, and scrolls, probably reading my texts. He hands it back after clearing the apps and smiles.

"Your turn. Truth." I smile and bounce a bit, knowing I had a semi-good question.

"What are three things that I don't know about you." He thinks for a second and chimes in.

"I've changed my favorite color, it's green. I hate dolls so much. And, I never thought I'd ever dye my hair, but here I am, suiting fiery red." He said, posing. I giggled and we continued playing. As the night carried on, we decided to watch a horror movie. I wasn't as phased by them, but Mark was. He jumped and screamed. I just laughed at the sight beside me.

"Hey, I think we should go make food..." He said quietly. I paused the movie and got up along with Mark. We walked to the kitchen and I got out some pancake mix, knowing he's want some. I get out the ingredients and put them in a bowl while the stove was heating up. I mix everything together and put it in the pan.

"Hey, y/nn?" I turned and looked at Mark, catching his gaze. His eyes were so beautiful. He smiled and spoke up.

"Truth or dare?"

"We're playing again?"

"Only one round. Now, truth or dare?" Since I liked picking dare, decided to choose it again.

"Dare." A blush rose to his cheeks.

"I dare you... to let me kiss you." He said in almost a whisper. Did I hear him correctly?

"What...?" He stepped closer to me and held my hands, causing my breath to hitch.

"I dare you to let me kiss you." I nodded and he closed the gap between us, placing his lips on mine. They were soft and sweet. He smiled into the kiss, causing me to as well. We broke away and I smelt something. Like, burning?

"Oh shit!" I turned to the stove and flipped it off, placing the pan with the completely burned cake on it to the next burner. I looked back to Mark and her moved a piece of my hair back.

"You're so beautiful, my lovely." He kissed my cheek and then held my hands again. I felt my face heat up and I look down so he can't see my blushing face.

"You don't have to hide yourself. I think it's cute." He lifted my chin up to face him.

"I love you, y/n."

"I love you too..."

-Time Skip-

I laid in bed, facing Mark as he slung his arm around my waist. We weren't really paying attention to the movie that was on, we were just minding each other. I yawned and scooted closer to Mark, cuddling up to him, laying my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head and held onto me.

"Goodnight, princess."

"Goodnight, Marki." He turned off the t.v and lamp, letting the room be quiet and dark. My eyes fluttered closed and my mind cleared with all of the bad thoughts. When the morning hit, I turned to face Mark. He was still sleeping peacefully beside me. I smile and get out of bed, going to go make my morning tea. I poured some water into the kettle and let it boil on the stove eye. I put a teabag in a mug and felt arms around me. Mark rested his head on my shoulders and whispered.

"Good morning, y/n I hope there's a enough water for me." He chuckled I smiled and nodded.

"Good morning, Mark." He kissed my cheek and moved away from me getting a mug. The kettle made a screeching sound and I tuned off the stove. I poured my water in and then Marks. I added sugar and took a sip. The warmth traveled throughout my body and I sighed in approval. We drank our tea and Mark put our mugs in the dishwasher.

"We should play a video game!" He jumps a bit in excitement.

"You have to put something on the channel."

"I'll go back to my place, upload, and come back?" I smile and let out a chuckle. He gave me a quick hug and left out of the door. I sat on the sofa and smiled to myself.


This chapter isn't that good, but I'll have another one up as soon as possible. Sorry I haven't been posting a lot, I just went on vacation to get my septum pierced. Yay! Anyway, thank you so much for reading and I will see you in the next chapter. BU-BYE!


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