Partner in crime

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*Mark's P.O.V*

This one's a bit on the creepy side, but it's almost Halloween so... (Blood warning)

There she was again. That bitch that always seemed to mess with my y/n. B/n (bullies name) called her names, hurt her, and acted like she was better than everyone else. God, I hate her. The last school bell rung and y/n stops me. "Hey, Mark. You ready to walk to my house?" I shook my head.

"Sorry, y/nn, I have some business to do..." She nodded and spoke up.

"Can I tag along?"

"Y/n, Valentines day is tomorrow and I need to find my best friend a present."

"Ok, see ya then." She walks away and I catch up to b/n. I slowly began to take the same turns as her as we reach the woods, a shortcut she uses to get home. She stops and takes a text break. Bad idea, b/n. I get the rag out and pour a small bit of chloroform on it. I put it over her mouth and noes. She began to fall back and then, she crashes. I drag her back to a secluded place in the woods and laid her down next to a tree so I could tie her up. I spread out a tarp and lay an assortment of knifes and one hammer down. When she woke up, she looks at me.

"What the hell?! Who the fuck are you?! Please, just let me go!" I chuckle and look right into her pleading eyes.

"I'm your worst nightmare coming true. And let you go? It wouldn't be fun if I do that." B/n turns her head and looks at the tools.

"Oh, do you like my collection? I put it together for you." She shakes her head with force and screams.

"That won't work, you know that no one comes around here."

"Why are you doing this?!" I glare at her. She knows why.

"Since you won't treat y/n better, you'll pay for your actions." I saw her terrified face.

"You can't do this!"

"Watch me." I pull out a syringe and show her.

"This will keep you awake while everything is happening. I don't want you to fall asleep." A tear falls down her cheek.

"I won't tell anyone if you let me go!"

"You won't be alive to tell anyone, so I'm good." I take the needle and inject the liquid in her arm. I guess she knows that there's no point in struggling. B/n sighed and closed her eyes.

"Will it hurt? Will I feel it?" I picked up the scalpel (It's a surgical knife if you didn't know) and looked at the light gleaming off of it.

"Yeah... There's no point of lying to you. No one will find you. No one will look." I took my knife and ripped down her pink crop top. I traced over her heart and dug the knife right into the corner of the square thought up by my mind. She shrieks in pain as I carelessly drag the knife over. Blood was pouring out and she was screaming in agony. I continued on the cutting through the layers as I stared into her eyes. I dug the knife into her chest so far so I was able to see her heart. I get the small ice chest and open it. I cut all around her heart and ripped it out, watching her take the last remaining breaths that she had left. I dropped it into the container and fixed up my materials.

-Time Skip-

I washed off in the shower, making sure to remove off of the dried blood off of me. For a skinny chick, she bleeds a lot. I lather soap on my body and wash it off. I step out and change into my p.js. I pick up the cooler from my room and stick it in the freezer. I slip a not on it, saying it was mine, and walk to my room to sleep. I'll have to get flowers and chocolates for y/n tomorrow, then I can show her my main gift to her after school. I drift to sleep and dream of a life where y/n and I can live together.

-Time skip-

I get up and grab my white shirt, plaid flannel, and blue jeans. I slip them on along with my converse and run into the kitchen, checking to see if the cooler was still there. I open the freezer and see it. As long as a burglar doesn't steal it, I'm good. I grab my bag and walk to the nearest store. I pick up a giant box of chocolates a big bouquet of flowers. I pay for them and walk to school. There she was standing.

"Hey, y/nn. What's up?"

"Hey Mark! Guess what!" I smile at how happy she looked.


"B/n isn't here today! I won't have to deal with her."

"That's great! Anyway, here you go. Happy Valentines day." I give the flowers and candy.

"You didn't have to, but thank you so much, Mark. It means a lot." She pulls me into a big hug and kisses my cheek in a friendly way. I feel my cheeks heat up and I look down. Y/n looks at me and chuckles

"Is Mark blushing?" She said teasingly. I laugh it off.

"It's just because of the flannel." Her brow raised as her grabbed my hand.

"Your hands are freezing... You sure that it's hot?"

"Ok, ok. You got me. You embarrass me so much, I blush because of it." She pushes me and I continue.

"Hey, I have a surprise for you today. Can you come over today?"

"Sure. Maybe I can give you a gift too." She chuckles.

-Time skip-

I hear a knock and smile devilishly. She's here. She's gonna think I'm a psychopath. Oh well. I go over to the door and open it. Y/n pulls me into a hug.

"Ok, I got you a gift. Open it!" She screams at me with excitement. I unravel the bow and rip off the paper. It's a flannel.

"I love it so much! Thank you. So, for your present, I got you something special."

"Mark, you didn't have to... You already got me something."

"Still, I need you to have this..."

"Ok, continue..."

"I'd like to give you my love..." She laughs.

"Yeah, right."

"No, really. I love you so much, y/n. I'd do any and everything with you."

"Oh my god! Really?! I love you so much!" She hugs me and then kisses me energetically.

"I love you, Mark. I'd do anything to be with you. Nothing will keep us apart."

"I almost forgot...You have one more present..." I grab her hand and lead her to the freezer.

"What are we doing in here?"

"You'll see."

I grab the cooler and place it on the counter.

"So, nothing could keep us apart?" I ask gently.

"Nothing." She confirms. I held her hands and look into her eyes.

"Y/n, I love you and would go around the world, shouting it on the highest mountains. Would you be my girlfriend and partner in crime and hold onto my heart?" I lift the cooler open and show her inside of it. She gasped and asked me who it was. I told her.

"You did this for me?"

"I couldn't stand to see you hurting."

"I'll defiantly be yours."

Two teens by the names on Mark Fischbach and Y/n Y/L/N are on the run as police officials have been chasing them for committing several murders. If you have any details regarding the two, please contact your local police station. Thank you and have a good night.

Like I said, I'd do any and everything with her. She's my partner in crime and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Wow. Sorry it was creepy, but it's time to be ready for the creepy stuff. Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading (if you could make it through) and I will see you in the next chapter. BU-BYE!


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