Dark Enough (Trigger)

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*Mark's P.O.V*

There is a girl

In the front of my class

Who I swear I've never seen

Do anything but laugh

She's tall and she's smart

Beautiful and strong

And when someone's down

She tries to fix what is wrong

Y/n always was laughing at the weirdest things. It brightened my day when I saw her smile. The chuckles never stopped. Giggles were always spilling out of her mouth. She had a tall stance and she was so smart. Her beauty was like no other and she always knew how to help someone when anything was wrong. There was something that was wrong with her though, that no one would ever help with. Not many people knew.

How does someone so perfect,

Feel so insecure?

As to scar her skin with cuts and burns

And still want to hurt more...

How does someone so loving,

Learn to hate her own guts?

Drawing a picture on her arms with a blade

As if her mind isn't dark enough

It pained me to see he go through pain. It hurt me as much as it hurt her. She's so amazing. How could someone like her hate who she was? Everything about her screamed perfection. The way her h/c hair cascaded down, the color of her eyes. Everything. It wasn't a good day when I found out about her scars. They were deep and littered over her wrist and arm. I could imagine how it was as she sat in a room, causing herself pain that others have brought to her.

There is a girl

In the front of my class

Who's eyes are glazed over

Like newly cut glass

The ghost of a smile

Hints at her face

And she laughs as they tell her

"Who's on First Base"

The day she put on a fake smile made me want to cry. I could tell that she was trying, but no one thought anything of it. Her laugh wasn't the same. Her eyes even looked different. The glassed over look didn't suit her. It didn't suit her because I knew she had been crying. It wasn't hard to tell.

There is a girl

In the front of my class

Who's sad that you find it rare

To see her smile or laugh

Her friends tells her jokes

Like that one with the guy

But all she does is close her eyes

And enter her mind

She stopped laughing and smiling all together. You could see a whole aura around her was dark and sad. I can recall seeing her in the hallway with her her friends. They were all cracking up and telling a joke about some guy that they'd seen. She wasn't really paying attention. All y/n did was close her eyes, probably not wanting to be here. Her friends were trying to cheer her up, thinking that she was having a bad day. They had no idea that it had been going on for a year now. She would always try to talk to them, but never had the courage to tell them that her mind was killing her. She thought that they'd leave her or think she was weird. They wouldn't though. They cared about her. A lot of people did. I did. While she was thinking she was all alone, we were always here for her. We could have listened to what she had to say and could have helped her. She thought that was impossible.

There was a girl

In the front of my class

Who yesterday took

The breath that was her last...

She wrote a few notes:

I'm sorry I didn't say,

But my mind was messed up,

You couldn't save me anyway...

And to the girl in the back of the class,

Who feels the way I did...

How does someone so perfect,

Feel so insecure?

As to scar her skin with cuts and burns

And still want to hurt more

I cried for the longest time. She could no longer stand the world that she was brought into. Rumor had gone around saying that she had overdosed on pills. People also said she cut down her arm and lost blood. She wrote a not, apologizing for not telling anyone. She directed one to a girl in the back, asking the same thing as I thought about her. Y/n wanted to know why the girl in the back felt so bad. She wanted to help, even though she wasn't here. I went to her funeral that was held on that cold Sunday morning. It was late January when it happened. Everyone in her family was there and talked about how she was such a great person. All of her favorite songs were playing in the background, no matter how they were or what words were in them. She had on a black dress that showed her arms, reveling the scars that were placed there. I cried the whole time I was there and for a while after. She had a glossed tombstone that had her full name and dates of her birth and death. they buried her, said a prayer, and left. I stayed back with her parents. They told me how much they missed y/n and I did too. I told them how much I loved her and they asked if we were dating. I replied with no and they told me that I would have been a great son in law. I just nodded, looking down at her place of burial. Her mom, m/n, told me I'll be fine. I didn't believe her. I haven't felt any better since then.


Sorry for the short chapter and subject. Guys, I love you so much and if you ever need to talk, I'm here to do so. I care about you. Each and everyone of you. You matter. Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and I will see you in the next chapter. BU-BYE!


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