Letters to y/n

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Character death...Don't read if you aren't comfortable with this. (I know he can't drink, but still)

*Mark's P.O.V*

Dear Y/n,

Why did you have to leave? I've been a complete mess without you. I've tried drinking and get over you. I drink to forget, but I always remember. Why did you have to go and throw everything away? We could have worked it out, you know? It's like I'm writing to nobody. I'm going insane without you, my dear. I'm destroyed. All I ever do is drink and call f/n to cry. That's all. She always tells me how 'it's over' and 'there's nothing I can do to fix it.' I'll find a way. We'll find a way. That's what everyone says anyway. 'Love can find a way.' I think it's bullshit. Prove me wrong. Help me with this pain. Only you can. You're all I care about. I couldn't care less about anyone else. Only you. I hope I can call you mine again soon. I love you so goddamn much y/n.

Love, Mark

I look at the tear soaked page and put in it an envelope, sealing it. I drink the rest of the vodka that was in the clear bottle. I slam the empty bottle on my desk and yell out in frustration. "If only I still had you!" Tears drip down my cheeks as I burry my face into my palms. I fucking hate it. I didn't realize that there was a problem. I grab my coat and slip it on, walking out of the house.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\Two days later/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Dear Y/n,

I did drugs. It helps me forget about you more than the alcohol does. It's like you were right there in my thoughts and then you vanished for two sweet hours. They went by fast, but they were bliss. All of the bad left and pleasure took its place for a moment. It was like you never existed and I loved every second of it. The high is wearing off now and I wanted to write to you again. Hey, do you remember that promise I made to you? The one where I told you that I'd never forget about you and would only love you? I had to break that promise. I forgot about you a bit, but I'll always love you.

Love, Mark

I seal the letter in the envelope and walk out the door and to the club in town. The music was loud enough to bust you eardrums and chicks were grinding against any guy they could find. Guys were buying drinks for girls in hopes to get lucky and then, there was people like me. Wanting to drink so much to numb the pain they had to deal with from their everyday life. I go up to the bar. "One please."

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\One day later/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Dear Y/n,

It's been pretty bad without you. I met this girl at the club last night and I hit rock bottom. I took her to ou- my home and slept with her only because she looked like you, but not as beautiful. No one is as beautiful as you, y/n. Believe me, I've been around and I've seen some of them. They aren't as wonderful or thoughtful as you. They were more lively though. Not in a good way. They were party animals just wanting to have someone just for a night. It's not as glorious as it sounds; fucking any girl that comes your way. I can't stand doing it, but I always do. Does it hurt you a little? Even a small bit knowing that I'm torn to pieces? It's like I can't live without you. Why the hell am I writing 'it's like?' I CAN'T live without you. I've already said goodbye to any plans I had for the future. The whole Markiplier idea is gone. I don't want to start YouTube if you're not here supporting me. I can't. It'll cause too much pain to look into a camera and pretend to be happy. Out of all things, you know I hate lying. It's how I am. Please come back, baby. I miss you. I need you. I want to open my eyes now and see you beside me. Like it was all a twisted nightmare. That's what I want. Don't you?

Love, Mark.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\One week later/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Dear Y/n,

I'm getting tired. Tired of writing and drowning in my own self pity. I can't tell anyone how I feel. I want you and I need you. That's it. I've fallen in love with you so hard that when you left, half of me did as well. I can't keep living like this. I don't deserve it. It hurts to fall asleep. Your sent is forever stained and set into the sheets. Your perfume still lingers. Every time I go and talk to you, you never respond. That's not a surprise cause gravestones don't speak... Anyway, I remember when I found your body. Pills surrounded you as you laid on the tiled floor with a note beside you. You never told me that you had depression. It never looked like it. You always looked happy. You were my sunshine. As I read over the note, memories of us flooded back to me and I noticed how your smile weakened a tad bit. I noticed how you didn't crack jokes like you use to. It hurt, y/n but, I'll be with you soon. We can be together again, forever. Not even a hole in the ground will separate us, my dear.

Love, Mark

p.s. see you soon.

I dressed in my suit and fixed up my hair. I grabbed the revolver and every single note I ever wrote y/n. I tied them in a bow and held onto them. I laid on my side of the bed with a picture of her beside me. The last thing I see in this life will be her. I lay back, close my eyes, put the gun to my head, take a breath, hear a gunshot, and then nothing. It all fades white. Then, I see y/n.

"I'm finally here . With you. Where I belong."


Sorry guys, but I had the idea and wanted to write it. Was it too much? I mean, they got together again... Sorry... Anyway, thank you so much for reading and I will see you in the next chapter. BU-BYE!


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