You make him play in the rain

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He would agree excitedly but make you wear as many coats you could fit on. The two of you would play in the rain mainly you splashing him. Because it isn't a hosts way in splashing a lady. Once you were both drenched you would go back in and cuddle on the sofa.


"No" would be his answer but you would pout and beg him to play in the rain with you. He would sigh putting on a rain coat. He would just watch as you slashed in the puddles like a child. He would think how childish you were but smile at how cute it was. You would start coughing and he would sigh saying "we should have stayed in" and then he would send you to bed.


"You'll get sick" Mori would say drinking tea looking up from his book. You would give him your best pouty face. He would stay emotionless but get up and grab you your coat with a hat, scarf and every single winter item. You would sigh and put it on. You being clumsy fell in a big puddle completely drenched and started shivering. Mori just picks you up with ease and carry you inside making you have a warm bath.


Hikaru would grab your hand and drag you out in the rain. The two of you would jump in every and any puddle you could find. You both would try and splash eachother whilst laughing. You then would whine saying you were cold and then you's would go inside and get into warm and comfy clothes cuddling while watching a movie.


"I don't think it's a good idea y/n you'll get sick" Kaoru would say as you take his hand and lead him to the doors. He would stand there as you jumped in puddles. You then smirk splashing him, he would then join in and splash you. After splashing eachother senseless you would go inside and drink commoner hot chocolate.


Honey and you would be giggling and dancing in the rain. You both wouldn't splash eachother you would just dance in the rain. Then Mori would come over and see you a playing in the rain and occasionally coughing. He would then drag you's inside pouring you's tea and cake.

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