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You and Tamaki were currently skiing. You were quite good at it, Tamaki not so much. He would fall over a lot and nearly knocked you over. "I'm sorry y/n, are you okay?" He would ask and you would laugh. "I'm fine, you didn't even knock me over" you say. The two of you would end up going back into the lodge and drinking bot chocolate watching the snow.


He would sit inside the lodge by the windows and watch. "I don't skii" he would say, you'd sigh knowing he wouldn't change his mind. He would watch you attempt to skii down the large mountain and sigh knowing you'd go off the slope. He would then join you and skii beside you to secretly make sure you don't fall or something. You's then would go back in. You'd read by the window and Kyoya would be on his computer.


You weren't so good at skiing and would fall multiple times. Mori would be absolutely great at it. He would help you and skii beside you, holding your hands as he teaches you more. You go down a small slope by yourself and end up crashing into mori's chest. You'd apologize and he would ruffle your hair. You both would read and watch the snow come down.


He would throw snow at you making you fall over. Then he'd make sure you're alright, but then he would brag at how good of a skier he is. He'd laugh when he sees you pout. "I'm kidding, but I'm still good" he'd say smirking. You both would then play in the snow until late.


He would constantly make sure and ask if you were okay whenever you fell over. You both would help eachother to skii because you were as bad as eachother. Later you's would sit outside in the dark cold night and watch the stars. You's would share a big cosy blanket.


You's word just stay at the bottom of the mountain skiing on the flat snow. You's would laugh at eachother falling over (cutely). Then seeming playing in snow is more fun that's what you's would do.

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