The Struggle

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Ian barely had a second to think before Caleb ran for the pantry door, nearly ripping it off of its hinges. Last time, Mickey had the advantage of surprise and for that, Caleb's face ended up busted and bloody beyond recognition that night, this time, it was Caleb with the upper hand.

Things seemed to happen in flashes as Caleb grabbed onto the sleeve of Mickeys jacket, swinging him to the floor, kicking out at him before he could get back to his feet, his boot swinging into Mickey's side so hard Ian was scared he'd heard a crack. Instincts took over Ian's body as he jumped onto Caleb's back, his arm wrapping tightly around his neck making them both fall to the floor.

After that... Things got out of hand. Somewhere during the struggle, Caleb had reached into his pocket, pulled out a switchblade, Ian later would find that to be a little out the norm for him but he was probably more cautious after getting jumped by Mickey.

He started swinging the blade erratically, managing to slice along the side of Ian's stomach. Ian fell off of Caleb and blood began to pool around the floor around him. when he focused on Caleb though Ian briefly saw that there was traces of concern etched on Caleb's face, but it didn't last long before he moved over to where he was hovering over Mickey's body.

Caleb looked manic as he swung at Mickey's curled form. Mickey managed to roll out of the way though and Caleb ended up hitting the hardwood floor where his head was instead.

As Ian stared at their struggle he realized Caleb wasn't just aiming to leave a surface wound on Mickey like he did on Ian, he was trying to kill him. He was quick to gather what was left of his energy and he tackled Caleb. He grabbed onto the hand that was holding the knife and as they both struggled for it, Ian pushed down too hard and through the struggle, without even fully meaning to, he had sank the blade into Caleb's throat.

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