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Harry P.O.V.

Crap. I forgot to take the trash out. I'll just do it after school. Hopefully mommy doesn't get really mad. Getting ready always makes me forget half the things I'm supposed to do. You can't blame me when I want to look good and presentable for my first day of senior year in a different school. Besides, I didn't want to ruin my pink sunflower dress I got from Forever 21 and my lipgloss.

I was walking to the bus stop near my house when I remembered what kids would tell me when they saw me from my old school in Homes Chapel. Some rowdy boys would always say, "you're too girly," or ask me, "are you transgender?" I would always reply with, "im just a feminine boy." But of course they would reply, "Ha! Gay." It doesn't hurt that much, but there's always that tiny sting when someone won't accept the way you are.

I'm used to it by now, which is kind of sad, but I'm a strong flower and it'll stay like that.

I was currently waiting at the bus stop for the bus' arrival when a Corvet pulls up at the stoplight.

There was a man from what I could see, who had messy soft brown and tattood arms. The handsome man inside was listening to the radio, I assumed from the way he was bobbing his head. He suddenly turned his head out of nature, noticing me and gave me a once over. I shamelessly held my yellow polka dot lunch box in front of me and smiled brightly at him. He gave me a serious nod and looked back straight ahead to find the red light turn green, and fled off. Well that's rude. Momma always said if you smile at someone, they should smile back happily if their grateful. Apparently, grumpy man has no sense of joyfulness.

That was a nice looking man if I do say so myself. He was pretty hot, but he seemed my dad's age. Still no problem in my book though, shh.

Breaking my thoughts, the bus pulled in front of me and entered the bus from hell. I shyly walked trough the aisle to find a empty seat, but I unsurprisingly had no luck. Many kids weren't even looking up, they were too busy on their phones or pretending to be in a movie by looking at their windows.

A boy with blonde hair, and pastel blue smiled at me.

He scooted over to the window, showing me I could sit there, and he wouldn't bite me. I internally jumped up and down because I found someone nice. I smiled at him once he looked back to me from the window, "Thanks, for letting me sit here."

"No problem, I know it's tough sometimes," the boy smiled back, clasping his hands together.

"I, um, I'm Harry," I softly spoke because maybe this guy could care less.

"Hi Harry, I'm Niall," he laughed, "you're pretty awkward huh?"

I didn't find that rude at all, it was more endearment in all honesty.
"Yeah, people judge me pretty easily, and well friends are rare for me."

"Don't worry, I got ya'," Niall pat my back pretty hard making me slightly cough and choke. Besides the fact he almost choked me, Niall was really friendly.

I smiled in response, and resumed to look at my watch that said 8:02 a.m.


School starts at 9:00 and I wanted to see where my classes were before school began. I didn't want to be running around like a chicken lost its head because they told their parent too late about meet the teachers. It was high school anyways. Therefore, I walked to the office, leaving Niall behind because he said he was gonna hit the cafeteria to see if he still could get breakfast. Unlike him, I drank my chocolate milk and ate my strawberry covered french toast.

It didn't take long to find the main office. There was a long line of students probably wanting their schedules before school's authorities passed them out right when school began. So far some students have given nasty looks, but overall no major bully alert. Good progress, JarryHarry

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