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Harry missed Louis as much as Louis did to him; they both couldn't help it. They just couldn't even if they tried. But they were both stubborn. Inevitably, Harry gotten closer to William, but with limits. They didn't want any further bad blood. It was hard to understand Harry, because well, Harry was a teenager.

Liam and him worked and completed the project perfectly to the core; only to receive an B plus. Louis Tomlinson was truly petty. Liam looked confused and Harry looked angry but he let it go because he had fault too. In the end, Harry and Liam still talked; could say they were pals. Harry was glad.

However, at the moment, he didn't want to talk to anyone because Louis was currently and purposely throwing shade. 

"So to continue class, Much Ado About Nothing mentions universal concepts that are widely popular today. For example, cheating," he smiled, but it was a mocking one. Harry knew because as he said that word, he looked right at him. It broke his heart a little.

The class stayed silent out of confusion other than Harry.

Louis continued, "Lets see, it says, 'Let every eye negotiate for itself and trust no agent; for beauty is a witch
against whose charms faith melteth in blood.' Can anyone tell me how this connects to the idea of unfaithfulness?" Louis challenged everyone especially Harry.

No one answered. Until Harry did.

"Well Claudio was quick to believing that his loved one was cheating on him because he jumped to conclusions," Harry stated.

Louis was smug, "Oh no. It was no conclusion Mr. Styles, others had seen the action, including himse-"

"Incorrect. He didn't witness it, he just assumed what it was like to witness it. Besides, why believe the words of others or your unconscious mind before your loved one. It seems ignorant." The last word Harry emphasizes and looks straight at Louis' soul because he is not playing today. He doesn't think he ever has.

Louis seemed mad, but stayed quiet for the bell to take up the silence. The whole class was still in confusion and quietness, Harry became red because he didn't talk a lot. Less in front of everyone.

"Class don't forget to review Theatre terms for tomorrow. Have a nice day," replies in mumbles were heard, but other than that, just shuffling of backpacks and purses. Louis sat down after his announcement and said nothing. Harry continued to pick his stuff in his backpack, finishing, he found himself to be the last one.

On his way out, the last thing to hear from Louis was: "Have fun with my brother."

Louis said it so clearly that Harry was steaming with frustration. He turned around.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Louis took out a granola bar, not looking up at Harry, "it means what it means."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Such a child." And with that, Harry left the room without another word and his lunchbox in his hand, tightly gripped.

"Hey Haz," Niall came up to him.

Harry wasn't in the mood but Niall was his friend, "Nothing much. Just tired like always."


Harry didn't know how to keep the conversation going. "Yeah."

Niall patted his back, "I like your skirt. It's pretty." Harry smiled at the compliment. He used to have other people (Louis) to compliment him everyday. It's sad.

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