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juicy chapter for all the stress the larry/harry/liam/louis/niall stans are going through cause b$%!& me too

I haven't been talking to Louis. Its been about two weeks. It tears me. I know he's mad or "butt hurt," but he shouldn't be that jealous. It's his brother. It's not like his brother has infatuation for me. He hasn't even tried to talk to me either. This made me even more mad. But I was still this teenager, so I shouldn't be worried about these 24-year old men pissing me off. Worry about school, mommy, and myself, and I'll be good. Be a strong flower, Harry, and don't let that strangely maddening, addicting man put you down. No way.

Nevertheless, there was another strangely, yet interesting thing happening. William started actually talking to me more. Like actual human-to-human verbal interaction and not mumbles nor grumbles. It was internally pleasing to the soul. But I still wished Louis will get off his high horse and talk to me and touch me and love me like he usually would.

Niall sat next to me in lunch, illegally downloading music, proudly at that. "This sounds dope." One ear with a earphone, and the other empty.

I mumbled, "It would more 'dope' if you actually paid for the music and appreciated the artists' hard work and dedication. But ya' know. It's whatever." I was such in a mood because of freaking Louis. Louis. Louis.

Niall put all of his technology down and turned to me, "You've been really salty and spicy with me recently. What's biting your crotch, Hazza?" When he asked me, I asked myself, what really was biting. Honestly, I think I was doing to this myself. Who knows. Maybe I do.

"It's, nothing. It's just school and stress and my mom, its all," I sipped my chocolate milk. I gulped it down and waited for Niall's response. He looked deep in thought. It would be an understatement if I said I was scared.

Niall took my pale hands and engulfed it in his and said, "Haz, I want you to be honest with me if somebody is bothering you." I gulped. He confirmed, "Okay?"

"Alright, Niall," I smiled nervously. That's when he smiled and I was relieved he didn't push my unsureness further.

"So Haz, what's your opinion on BDS-" Niall was cut off by the fire alarm ringing and I couldn't be more thankful. Thankful, because Niall was going to receive my outmost opinion, and no. Definitely not. Nope.

"Everyone remain calm, and exit trough the fire stairwell," the faculty said in their calm voices and had no effect at all. The overpopulate school, especially in lunch time, had people falling over trampled over. I got pushed hard here and there, and I wasn't surprised if I got bruised. I had sensitive skin. Unfortunately, not too many people cared, thus, I got pushed so hard, I fell to the ground. My skirt becoming dirty from the dirt shoe prints and my long socks were pushed down to show my pink skin. I was truly a lamb in the land of anxious wolves.

I called for Niall, but he couldn't hear me from all of the commotion. I was scared. I was so small and frail, I was scared to be broken piece by piece by these heartless beasts. My heart pounded faster because I couldn't anyone else. Sweat, dizziness, and my fast heartbeat overtook me. I couldn't breath. There were less people but I still couldn't get a hold of myself. I was scared. I couldn't get up, physically move myself. My mind immediately spoke to me, "Panic attack." At that, I panicked and scared myself even more.

It didn't last long though. The alarms and bells and the childish yelling were still present in the background, but the only thing I could comprehend was someone carrying. I went blank and my mind was blurry with dizziness I couldn't stop. However, I knew that voice when it whispered: "Let's get you somewhere safe." I could feel the arms tighten around me, yet holding me as If I might explode again, or burst into pink combustion. For now, William was my daylight savior. I didn't where he came from, but I'm glad he came. I fell into a deep and black universe with no voices to keep me company.

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