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what's one of your pet peeves? (mine is people when they eat with their mouth open)

"Oh don't look so distraught. I came to visit my favorite boys," Elaine said, in a prestige voice.

"We're your only boys," Louis said, almost venomously. William eyed his brother cautiously.

Elaine laughed, "Be quiet you. William will you get me a chair." She eyed William with curiosity at his calm aura.

"Sure," William pulled a chair from the kitchen table and asked, "Mother, why are you really here? Not that I am offended." He kissed ass, Louis thought.

"I came to see how my sons were doing, but also because I wanted to personally invite you to our family reunion this year," Elaine said.

"Email wasn't enough?" Louis said, leaning on the doorframe of the kitchen.

"No, because it's so unofficial," Elaine chuckled, "Besides I'm letting you know that you can bring a plus one."

William replied, "Won't we need official invitation to get in?"

"Honey its a family reunion. You can walk in whenever and however. The only reason we're not posting it anywhere is because there has been financial troubles in the family."

"Like what?"

"None that concerns us. We're good," she smiled, she turned to Louis, "Mind getting me tea, darling?" Her eyes held a hint of mockery.

"Sure," Louis muttered bluntly.

He went to make her tea as William stared at her.

In a flash, there was the sound of something falling over. Clank!

Elaine's eyes traveled to the hallway, "New pet?"

William and Louis looked at each other and thought SHIT.

William casually muttered, "Yes. A cat."

Louis rolled his eyes and handed her the cup of tea. She sipped, "Mm. Well that's a pretty hefty cat, causing that much noise."

"When is the reunion?" William asked.

"Next month. The exact date is unofficial."

"We need to know soon, so we know what to alter in our schedule," Louis commented.


Elaine looked incredulously at Louis, "Are you sure there's a cat and not a human?"

"Yes. It's probably just making chaos," William thought, "I'm going to go check on it."

He got up and quickly walked to the room, knowing Harry was probably in some sort of trouble.

When he went into the hallway, and he soon found someone opening the door to Louis' room. It was a guy with medium, black hair and brown eyes with a chiseled jaw and lips piercing.

William made the hush motion with his pointer finger and whispered to him to go to back door. They went outside, the other guy was confused.

"What the hell are you doing here in my house?"

The guy studied him, "Your twin or brother or whatever invited me over and we literally just slept. He couldn't even remember my name. It's Erin, Asshole." He crossed his arms.

William huffed, "Well can you leave from the back door. I know it's rude but we have company over and they're not the kindest."

Erin said, "Fine but pay for my liquor that I paid for which your brother drank."

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