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"We're almost there." William covered Harry's eyes while leading him to a small forest behind the school. Everyone was preoccupied with their own duties and dances to notice William and Harry sneak out.

"You're going to kill me I know it." Harry said, tumbling over a few weeds.

William chuckled, "You're crazy."

When they were in front of the surprise, William whispers, "Ready?"


William releases him and Harry is absolutely awed. He takes off his mask to get a good look. In front of him, there was a small table with two chairs with plates of diverse food, dressed in all white. The best part was the fairy lights hanging around the scenery, making it look like a fairytale.

"It's so pretty."

William gestured him to sit down, holding his chair out, "Took me some time, but it was worth it."

Harry sits and looks at the food, "Mm, lasagna and toast. This looks amazing. Did you make it?"

"Yes," William gave him a napkin.

Harry took it and set it in his lap and kept one near his plate just in case.

After eating for a while, Harry's eyes glimmered in the pale light, "Thank you, William."

William smiled genuinely, "No, thank you, for accepting me and actually liking me, love."

Harry's mind buzzed, but then it caught up, "So," he blushed, "is this our first date?"

William blushed like a teenager that just admitted his feelings to his crush, "Yeah."

Harry giggled, noticing now that William had tomato sauce on his shaven chin.

William's eyes danced in humor, "What so funny, darling?"

"Got something here," Harry gestured on the left side of his chin. William tried to dab it in the right place, but he didn't exactly target it right.

Harry rolled his eyes playfully and got up from his seat, and he went over to William's side. William eyed him as if entertained, yet carefully.

When he grabbed a napkin, Harry dabbed where the sauce was, smiling.

"There we go," he put the napkin back, but when he tried walking back to his chair, William grabbed him by the waist and pulled down to his lap. Now Harry was sitting sideways with both legs on one side, watching William sensibly.

Harry raised his eyebrows with uncertainty, which William replied with, "Might as well sit here.'

Harry grin, "Mm, you think so?"

"I know so."

Harry wrapped both of his arms on William's neck. He looked up at the starry sky and wondered what his dad was doing right now. He always wondered about that.

"Where's your mind?" William looked up at Harry.

"Just... my dad and like wondering what's he doing." He shrugged, "I wonder if e remembers I exist."

"He does."

Harry frowned, "And that's what hurts the most."

William didn't want Harry to think about that' he wanted him to have a good time.

He grazed his fingers over the soft jaw of Harry, "Don't think about it. I don't want to see you sad."

Harry caressed further into William's touch, "But it's inevitable to feel sad."

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