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have you smoked or drank alcohol? im so curious lol

What are some real (paperback) book recommendations? thriller, romance, fantasy, etc.



The light that oozed trough the transcendent, velvet curtain was what made Harry wake up. He squinted at the window and observed up to William, who was still out of daylight. His hair was ruffled and the scruff on his cheeks and chin looked light brown in the light. Harry smiled and tucked his head under William's, making William unconsciously wrap his hand around Harry's warm waist.

Harry mentally swooned and enjoyed the quietness.

That is, until, there's a rapid knock, which followed with a voice. Louis' voice.

"Hey, William, I need a bar of soap; I ran out in my bathroom."

Harry internally panicked... but why? Why is Louis seeing him like this--make him ashamed-- embarrassed at that? Whatever. Louis doesn't care.

He slowly removed William's hand around his waist, making William grunt in disapproval under his dead-asleep state.

He stood up and went to the bathroom and looked in the cabinets to find it. He rummaged through the shampoos, toilet paper and found some. He grabbed a boxed-bar and stood up. That's when slowly noticed that he was still in his panties. He blushed at the sight in the mirror and rapidly sported on one of William's white, work shirts. He buttoned it up all the way.

"William, hurry, I need to take a shower."

Harry fixed his hair and took a deep breath. He walked to the door, then slowly opened it, and just put his hand out the door, looking for a hand to put the soap in.

The next then he heard: "Harry?"

Of course, Louis would know; his hand is pale.

Harry sheepishly peeked his head out, "Here's your soap." He met Louis' eyes. He couldn't explain what they were feeling, but what he could feel was the intense stare of Louis.

Harry was about to shut the door out of nervousness and just apologize to Louis later, but a foot stops the door from closing.

Louis looked at him, "What are you doing in here, Harry?" Louis knew. He heard last night the whimpers and his heart breaking. He just wanted Harry to say something; to admit it. He even noticed William's shirt.

Harry looked down, "I, just." Harry just didn't know what to say.

Louis chuckled mindlessly, "You know what? I shouldn't even be asking you that. That's your business. I'm sorry. Thanks for the soap." He closed the door and left like that. Louis was hurting.

Harry stared at the door and stayed there for at least a minute before he changed into his clothes and got ready to go back to his house.

As he was slipping his shoes on, he heard a groan: "What time s' it?"

Harry looked at his phone and pressed the 'home' button, "10 a.m."

He noticed that he had two missed calls from his mom, he called her right back. She answered on the first ring.

"Hey honey."

"Hey mom. I'll be home by eleven-ish," Harry said, sitting down on the bed. He suddenly felt a hand rub his back soothingly. It felt nice.

"Stay as long as you want, darling. You deserve it after the hard work and dedication you put in." That made Harry's heart pinch because yes, academically, he was stable, but mentally, he was not. He used to. And he was guilty also, lying to his mother like that, but he's a teenager... its reasonable?

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