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As a student walks out of Louis' office, mommy and I walk in.

My dress, the same one where Mr.Meanie pointed out, was starting to get in my nerves. It kept going up and it wasn't even that tight. I kept pulling it down. Bad luck is my middle name today.

Immediately, Louis walks up to us, "hello, I'm glad to meet you. I'm Harrys teacher." He shakes my mom's hand, and she blushes.

I already don't like this.

Louis gestures towards the seats and we sit down, "you must be Harrys mother." He smiles.

"Yes, Anne," she tucks a hair piece behind her ear. No, no, no.

"Your son is doing very well so far," he gives out my report card to mother, only to find her googly eyes on him.

He's so oblivious to my mother's newborn infatuation towards him.

"He's well behaved, and obviously, very smart," Louis looks at me and grins. Take that mother.

Wait. What am I doing? I'm so pathetic. Louis is much older than me and out of my league. My mom is basically a goddess in mind and body form. I can't be selfish. Dad left, and she should be open to options. Stupid jealousy. I should be helping her move on, not the oppo-

"Harry," Louis waves his hand in my face. I focus back, and begin to blush.

"Sorry, I spaced out," I bite my lip nervously. For a small, nanosecond in time, my eyes trick to believe Louis stared at my lips.

Louis glances back at my mother, "I'll like to have dinner."

At this moment, I began to scream.


"What?" I asked confused.

"Oh, honey, I invited your teacher over for dinner this weekend. Is that alright?"  I should have never spaced out.

"Uh, no. It's fine," I smiled, hiding my tiny, twisted drop of jealousy. Isn't this like illegal? I'll have to search it up when I get home.

Once we were done, Louis said, "Can I have a word with your son, Ms.Cox?"

"Oh definitely," she smiled her snow white teeth, and turned to me, "I'll be at your next teacher's class, honey."

"Okay," I nervously crossed my arms in front of me. I turned to Louis. He pulls me to the corner, and he seemed nervous as I was. He scratched the back of his neck.

"I... really hope you don't mind me coming for dinner, Harry. I don't want it to make you feel uncomfortable," he looked at me with sincere, blue eyes.

"I.. it-it's fine. Really." I knew my cheeks were tinted with a rose coat by now.

"Good," he smiled.

We didn't  say anything for a minute, both of us twiddling our thumbs. This is awkward. ONCE AGAIN.

"I'll go.. now. If that's... all," I pointed out the door.

"Yeah.. yeah, of course," he walked me out, and there was at least three more students with their parents waiting.

"Sorry, to keep you waiting," I apologized to the people. They shurgged, and seemed like they didnt care. I walked fast, not caring to turn back to Louis. Phew, one Tomlinson down, one Tomlinson to go.


"Hello, I'm Harry's teacher, Mr. Tomlinson," my mom's eyes widened once she took a good look at him. However, she didn't seems to be in a trance the way she was with  Louis. Curse you universe.

"Are you related to the other Mr.-" my mom was interrupted by a chuckle.

"Yes, we're brothers," William (Mr. Meanie in my dictionary) seemed unstrangely happy.

"Anyways, I'll like to discuss Harry's behavior," He said seriously and sat down. We both sat in the cherry wood chairs and awaited for Mr.Meanie's feedback.

"He's doing well, he's smart, but he lacks participation. I have a had a discussion with him earlier," he folds his arms.

My mom asked in confusion, "lacks in participation?"

"Yes, in other words, he doesn't get very involved with activities, or raises his hand to give critique or answer any questions." It's because you're so mean.

"Oh, I'll discuss it with him as well then," my mom smiled.

"Besides any of that, he's well mannered," in a sense, I see the resemblance between Louis and William in bot only looks, but words also.

Later, after teachers' discussions and all, we were done.


My glittery iphone, ringed. After laying down and showered, I didn't feel like moving a muscle, not one.

"Hello," I clear my throat.

"Hey HAZZA!" Niall shouted, and I had to move the phone away from me for a few seconds to regain my hearing. 

"Niall, tone it down, my mom's asleep," I whispered.

"Sorry," he said, "so how'd it go?"

"It was alright. Awkward with Mr.Tomlinson once again." I say as I pick at my chipped, pink nail polish.

"I'm starting to think you guys have something going on," Niall sneakily said. That caught my attention.

"No, absolutely not," I stood up.

"Oh, Mr.Tomlinson, can you help me with my homework? Oops, I dropped my pencil. Can you be my daddy?" Niall mocked me.

"Niall, you're unbelievable. I don't say or think that..." I blushed madly.

"Mhm. Sure, and I'm not irish," Niall laughed.

"Ugh. Besides, he's coming over for dinner this weekend, and I might just die."

"WHAT?!" Niall shrieked, "wait... sorry what?"

"My mom invited him. She likes him. A lot," I said, sadness cursing through me. Niall didn't know that I was missing a dad, and my mom was missing a husband.

"Wow, good luck," Niall said. I laughed quietly.

Yeah, good luck to me.

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