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"Are you going to homecoming?" Homecoming was one of the biggest events at the high school, as Niall said. 

The question made Harry think, "Uh, I don't know." Who would he go with anyway? It's not like he can take Louis or William. People would think that was bizarre and not to mention, inappropriate.

"Oh, come one! You can come with me and Liam," Niall casually said.

Harry turned his head so hard, "Liam? You guys are dating?" The question made Niall laugh uncontrollably.

Niall said, "We're just friends. But the three of us should go!" Harry looked unsure and a bit sad. Of course, he wanted to go with Niall and Liam, but selfishly, he had always dreamed his final homecoming year of high school would be with a boyfriend. The thought made him look to the cafeteria line where he saw Louis and William retrieving a salad from the refrigerators.

He sighed and looked back at Niall, "Uh sure!" he then smiled, "Sounds like a plan."


"Class, I know everyone is excited for homecoming, but quiet down," Louis said with stern voice. His white button up and black jeans were giving Harry heat flashes. Ever since the little "break-up" if you would even call it that since they didn't even go to one date, Harry's been having dreams. Yes, those type of dreams.

He would wake up sweaty and very turned on, and just very weird situations. One night he woke up with a hard-on and was scared to touch' he was afraid he would do something wrong so he just took a cold, militating shower. He missed Louis so much in that way. For god's sake, he was a teenager with hormones.

He remembered his hand being right there and his foot on his thigh and-

"Harry?" Louis said from the white board, all eyes on him, "Are you okay?"

Harry spaced back in to reality and blushed, squeezing his legs together, "N-no I'm fine."

Louis nodded unsurely but continued class. The students' eyes were back on Louis and Harry couldn't be anymore grateful.

Once class was over and everyone left, Harry locked the door, biting his lips. "Harry what are you doing?" Louis looked up from his desk where he just sat down from standing the whole class period.

Harry turned back around and slowly walked to Louis' desk, seductively sliding his finger, Looking down at Louis. Louis was currently awestruck and his mouth was wide open.

"Have you missed me like I missed you?" He pouted but his eyes were mischievous. Louis was confused because Harry called it quits, but turn on because Harry's long legs were doing him justice.

Louis stayed quiet because was this Harry? Or was this just a never seen Harry? Either way, he was voiceless.

Harry eyelashes flutter when he finally puts one leg over Louis. Harry was finally perched on Louis' lap with his skirt a little scrunched up. Louis immediately puts his hands there and forgets about what William said for about a minute.

Harry pouted, "Did you miss me, Mr.Tomlinson?"

"I did," Louis places his hands on Harry's waist, "So fucking much." He's rubbing Harry's silky back.

Harry buried his head into Louis' tan neck, and grinded only a little bit. Louis grunted at that, but muffled out words, "W-We can't, Harry."

Harry was a whimpering mess, "Why not, Louis? Don't you want me? Us?"

Yes, he did. Louis really fucking wanted Harry and their relationship back. But, William. William deserved Harry more than he did. All along.

"I-I do," Harry once again grinded on Louis' boner, "But I don't deserve you."

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