Chapter 24

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Versia's Pov:

Cody left to go back to his office to put out a look for Parker. They were setting up a search group to go out and look for him.

I was sitting on the couch of his apartment. Bella was still out and she wasn't coming home till tomorrow. I didn't feel like calling her to bring her into this mess.

I picked up my phone and looked at the time. It was ten till six.

I groaned. I was so bored and I hates being alone for this long.

I picked my phone up. Incoming call from Cody.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, I finished filing the report. Do you want me to pick up some food?"

"Sure. Just get whatever."

"Okay, I l.. I'll see you soon."

"See you soon." I hung up.

I walked over to the window and let the cool air in. I stared out over the city. The soft breeze whipped my hair around.

My phone began to ring again. Sometimes it felt like it rules my world.


"Versia! You're on Tv!"

"Bella, that's probably not a good thing."

"Channel five, turn it on. Now!"

I walked over to the tv and turned on channel five.

"You're making me watch What's Hot?"

"Yes, they just said there's a segment."

The reporter walked onto the set. "Welcome to What's hot! Let's start with our first topic."

"That's you!" Bella squealed.

"This fiery female is Versia Snow." My photo flashes across the screen. "You may have heard of her before, but for which reason? She's had a troubled past, but recently kicked its butt or that she's going to be Victoria secret's newest angel."

"Eeeek! Did you hear that!" Bella screamed. "An angel."

"Shhhhh, I can't hear her over you!"

"Her manager Angelica Grey is wildly known for being the manager of Kayla Shee." She smiled at the camera. "I'm sure we all know who Kayla is after she played the main character in our favorite Trilogy, The only ones. And now one of the fastest growing models. Maybe she truly does have some kind of magical touch." She wiggled her fingers. "Here's some of Versia Snow's new photos. Breathe em in people. She is downright gorgeous." More of my photos flashed across the screen.

"Those are so pretty. You should be so proud right now!"

"Of course I am Bella. I'm just kinda.... left speechless."

"And our next Topic tonight is on another young lady who goes by the name of Bella Sun!"

I scrunched up my forehead. "Bella? What is she talking about?"

"Wow, that's weird maybe you should just click off your tv."

"She just released her first song called Forest. Here's a quick piece of it."

Bella wrote that song almost two years ago. As the song played it was exactly like I had heard it. "You made it a song."


"Bella.... That's amazing! I knew you could do it!"

"Thanks I worked for so long on that and..."

There was a loud crash from our in the hall.

"What was that?" She asked.

"I don't know."

"Is your door locked?"

I looked at the lock, "Yes, it's locked."

The handle rattled. I got up from the couch. Smoke began to the full the room from under the door.

"Versia! Do you see that." I could hear her coughing on her side of the phone. "I can't... bree..." her line went dead.

"Bella!" I kept backing up until I got to the window.

I coughed. Feeling the smoke fill my lunges. I pushed open the window. I climbed out onto the ledge.

So here I am. Standing on a small ledge outside of an apartment building. In my heels.

"How am I supposed to get down from here?" I said out loud.

Smoke began pouring out from all of the windows onto the pavement below.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed Joey's number.


"Your apartment building is under attack!"

"What are you talking about?"

"There's like this smoke fog stuff, it's coming from the hallway. It's pouring into every room. It made Bella faint."

"Is there a fire!"

"No fire alarms are going off. And everyone is stuck in there apartment."

"Are you trapped? Where are you?"

"I'm on the ledge of the building."


"What should I do? Please help me."

"There's a.." something snatched my phone put my hand.

I looked toward the window. A man in a gas mask had grabbed my phone. "She's gone."

He grabbed me and pushed me off the ledge.

My scream drowned out everything else.

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