Chapter 2

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The Human World

Before I went to the library, I went to my room to get out of this stupid dress. I took it off and walked into my closet. I went to the very back where I stashed my human clothes. Ok, I didn't Mention one thing which was I frequently visit the world that my mother lived in.

I quickly take my jeans off a hanger, and a blue t shirt to put. As soon as I finished I rushed out of my room, but before I walked out I took my sweat shirt off of the hook that had all my jackets on it. I also put my hair in a ponytail and then walked out of the door.

I sneak out into the hallway and hid behind the corner as some guards passed by. As I kept getting closer to the library more guards appeared. I almost went around another corner when some guards passed by, so I desired to stop for a second and see how many guards there were in the hallway. As I peeked over the corner Allen appeared.

"What do you think you are doing? or should I say going?" I jumped and put a hand over my chest.

"Dang Allen! Are you trying to scare me for life?!" I said in a harsh whisper.

"You know I have to come with you if you are going to the human world." He stared straight into my eyes as if trying to read my mind.

"Yes I know, but-" I stopped my sentence from hearing more stomping feet coming towards us. I looked around to see if I could find a place were we could talk quietly.

I found a closet just a few feet from us, so I took his arm and ran towards the closet, and locked us in the closet.

"Ok, so now would you like to tell me why are you trying to leave without me?" he said looking me straight in the eyes again. I was almost mesmerized by his pretty blue eyes, but I reminded my self to focus.

"I wanted to go alone for once...." I mumbled. I tried to look him in the eyes, but I knew that would be impossible because of those blue eyes. So I just looked down at my feet.

"You know I can't let that happen. Your father knew you would want to see your mothers world, so he told me to look after you." he said that wit a serious face. he started walked towards me, closing the space between us. He looked so serious.

" And if I don't go with you, you might get kidnapped, or you might get lost. Or is the reason your want to go alone is that you want to meet a boy?"Now I was against the wall. He had me in a trap. I had no where to go. My face burned.

"Of course not! I just want to experience the amazing things the human world has on my own!" He looked me straight in the eye and put his forehead against mine.

" What are you doing?" I said a little nervous.

"Testing to see if you have any thing going on inside your head, because your idea is a stupid one." I turned my head to the side so our faces wouldn't be so close. He places his fingers underneath my chin, and moved my head to face him.

" Do you know what would happen to me if you disapeared?" he stayed calm, trying not to yell at me.

" Ummmm, you would get fired?" I looked at like he was an idiot. Obviously that was the answer.

" No, not just that. I would kill my self for losing you." He leaned in to kiss me. While I was standing there confused, and while I was standing there being confused, his lips brushed over mine. My face burned.

"Why did you do that ?!" I said furious.

" Isn't it obvious? I l-o-v-e you." then he smirked. I slapped him and ran off towards the library.

Tears were burning my eyes. I was trying so hard not to cry.

I just wanted to go to the human world, so why did it turn out like this?!

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